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Rebekah had decided to go to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to be with her son for the holidays, which would leave Alexis with a full house. With her mother and sister there, they could easily manage the meals and cleaning.

All of her spare time would now be focused on getting ready for the invasion of her family and Kyle’s mother. Though their first visit with Joyce hadn’t been a particularly good one, she expected much better this time with her family there.

She and Rebekah made sure that everything they needed for meals was purchased the week before the holiday, with only a few things that would be coming later.

Growing up, they’d only had artificial Christmas trees, but she decided that she wanted a real one that year, which came with some research not ever having had a real tree in her house before.

They put up the tree the week before Christmas, and she decorated it with ornaments she found among her father’s Christmas decorations in the attic. She also had her own special ornaments that she’d collected over the years, and she added those.

Kyle was at work while they put up the tree, but Alexis had already talked to him about it, and he was happy to just let her do it on her own. When they were finished with the tree, Alexis and Rebekah did the outside of the house, adding window clings and huge blow-up Santas and snowmen.

She could see the little hooks all along the front porch where the Christmas lights were supposed to go. Her father even had diagrams along with his decorations, showing exactly where things should go.

By the time they were finished, the house looked like it had come straight from the North Pole to settle in Colorado. It was her first white Christmas, though her mother had told her there’d been one many years ago, this was the first she would remember.

As she tucked all the presents she’d wrapped under the tree, she realized what a beautiful holiday her first Christmas as a married woman would be.

Her family was due to fly in the Thursday before Christmas, which was on a Monday. Kyle’s mother would fly in on the Saturday before, giving her time to prepare her mother for what to expect and to have her ready to calm things should something come up.

She planned to make a huge Christmas dinner with turkey, dressing, and all the fixings. It would be a beautiful meal, and she knew her mother and sister would help her get it ready, even if her mother-in-law was not so inclined.

Her family was there on Thursday evening, and she was so happy to see them she couldn’t express it. Upon seeing her mother, she started sobbing, scaring Kyle more than a little. “I missed you guys so much!”

Her mom smiled and held her close. “We’ve missed you too. But you’re doing well here. I can see it on your face. By the time I’d been here this long, I was begging Alex to let me stay with my parents for a while.”

Wiping away her tears, Alexis smiled. “I wouldn’t leave Colorado for anything, but I sure would like to move the family next door so I could see you as often as possible.”

They all went into the living room. “Rebekah has one of the rooms upstairs. Don’t sleep there, but you guys can choose other rooms.”

Her brother grinned. “I want to sleep in the TV room upstairs. That couch is amazing for sleep.”

Brittany rolled her eyes. “Only Brent would choose a couch when he could sleep in a nice, cozy bed.”

Rebekah had fixed supper, and they all gathered at the table. “If you need anything from me, now’s the time to say something,” she said. “I leave in the morning.”

“Sit with us for supper,” Alexis said. “I talk about you to my family all the time, and I’m sure they’d like to get to know you.”

Rebekah nodded, moving a plate onto the table for herself.

“Do you need a ride to the airport in the morning?” Alexis asked. “I forgot to ask.”

“Your family is here. Stay with them.”

“We’re all getting our nails done in the morning,” Alexis said. “We can drop you off.”

“All of you?” Rebekah asked.

“Well, Mom and Brit and me. Kyle will be working, and Dad and Brent will be here at the house.” From her seat at the table, Alexis could see the wall where they’d hung various shelves for the kittens, and the two of them were climbing all over them. It was a gift to herself because she loved to just watch them do whatever they wanted.

“If you’re going to be in town, that would be great,” Rebekah said. “I can bring an Uber home though.”

“Call me when you get in, and I’ll come if it’s convenient.”

Rebekah smiled. “Thank you.”

Throughout the rest of the meal, they laughed and joked. “Get a cannoli for me while you’re in Massachusetts,” Brittany told her. “I was there to visit a friend once, and we got the most amazing cannoli.”

“I’ll try,” Rebekah said. “When do you all leave?”
