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When they went to bed that night, Alexis felt content. Maybe Kyle was still angry with her, but the ring he’d given her, with their names and their wedding date inscribed had convinced her things would work out.

Early Christmas morning, she could hear movement in the living room, so she tiptoed out to see what was happening. She needed to start the turkey anyway. It would be a big day of cooking, and she just hoped there would be no complaints about the meal.

She found her brother and sister sitting on the couch. “Finally!” Brit had called when she saw her sister. “Mom said we couldn’t wake anyone until you were up.”

Alexis laughed. “I’ll start the turkey, while you two wake the house,” she said.

Their stockings were typically their best gifts. It was impressive the sheer amount of thought their mother had put into the stockings year after year.

The turkey was in the oven when Kyle joined the rest of them in the living room. “Sorry. Extra sleepy.”

Alexis smiled. “Me too! But the turkey is in the oven, and I’m hoping I’ll have help with the rest of the fixings.”

“I’ve got mashed potatoes,” Brittany offered.

“I’m doing the dressing,” Mom said.

“I can make green bean casserole,” Joyce said.

“Perfect. And I’m making Butterfinger pie, which I know isn’t traditional, but it sure sounds good.”

“Already getting cravings?” Brittany asked.

Alexis didn’t respond, not wanting to upset Kyle more than he already was. Brent stood and started to grab stockings. Joyce looked surprised when she received one, but she smiled. “I’ve forgotten what being part of a big family is like for Christmas,” she said softly. “It’s been just Kyle and me for so long.”

“All right,” Brent said as he took the last stocking for himself. “When I yell go, we all dig in.”

The next few minutes were chaos as they each opened the small wrapped gifts inside their stockings. Alexis half-watched Kyle waiting until he found the special gift she’d found for him. It was a picture frame, with her sonogram picture inside it. And on the frame, it said, “To the best daddy a child could ask for.” There were ponies and horseshoes decorating the frame.

Kyle looked at it for a moment, and he turned to Alexis, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. “This would have had a lot more impact if I hadn’t already known.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry you found out how you did, but I’m so glad you know now.”

He nodded, tears filling his eyes. She smiled, putting his hand over her belly, which wasn’t showing yet at all.

When all the stockings had been opened, Joyce shook her head. “Thank you all for letting me be part of Christmas with you. I hope we’ll do this again, and I’ll still be invited.”

Alexis smiled at Joyce. “Of course, you will. You’re family.”

That night, after the onesies had been decorated, and the family had enjoyed themselves and eaten the meal they’d cooked together, he’d pulled her into his arms. “Today was perfect. I’m sorry I reacted so badly to the news of the baby.”

Alexis smiled. “As long as you’re happy that he or she is coming, then I’m fine with how you reacted.”

He leaned down and kissed her. “How could I not be happy when I love you more than I ever dreamed I could?”


Six months later, Alexis sat up in her hospital bed, holding their tiny son. “He looks like you,” she said.

“I think he looks like your father,” Kyle replied.


“When does your mom get here to help?”

“She wants to be in town when I’m released from the hospital. Then she can help me through the first couple of weeks of motherhood.”

“My mom wants to come when she leaves.”
