Page 49 of Ruthless Vows

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“I don’t want to talk about that.” Her lips press together, and I instantly regret letting my jealousy get the better of me.

“You don’t have to.” I drag the leather over the curve of her ass. “I didn’t mean—”

“This isn’t personal.” She makes another soft sound, squirming under the touch. “Finn—”

A sudden, hot anger grips me that I try to push aside, but I feel it clenching in my gut, sending a surge of emotion through me.Of course, it’s not to her,I remind myself.This is her job.But it doesn’t make it feel any better. And as I bring the flogger down against her ass again, watching her skin redden beneath the stripe from it, I want to make her beg for me. I want her to plead for me to give her the pleasure that only I can deliver right now, to wantme. I slide it between her thighs again, in between every few strokes, watching her quiver under my touch.

“If you want to come, you’re going to have to ask for it,” I murmur, my voice low and rough as I bring the leather down over the tops of her thighs. “I can see how much you want it, Asha. Beg me for it.”

Her hips are squirming against the leather, twisting as I drag the flogger over her skin, and she twists around to glare at me. “I’m not begging for anything.” There’s a defiance in her tone that somehow only turns me on more, and it makes me wonder if this is what it’s like to be aroused by these games of power and control.

“We’ll see.” There’s a growl to my voice that I’ve never heard before as I bring the flogger down again, feeling my jaw clench with the surge of arousal that ripples through me. It makes mewantto make her beg, to hear her plead, and I don’t know how I feel about that, exactly, deep down. It’s not something I’ve ever experienced before.

“I don’t think youcanmake me beg.” Her words catch in her throat a little, though, thickened with desire, and I let out a low laugh.

“What’s that, Asha?” I bring the flogger down again, stroking the leather upwards over her ass as it snaps against her skin, and I see her buck and twist. She lets out a gasp, her mouth opening on a cry as I snap it lightly against her inner thigh. I can see her arousal building, her pussy swollen and wet as she arches back towards me as much as she can with the cuffs holding her down.

It’s nothing but a game of wills at this point—and Asha’s is more than I’d bargained for. I tease and taunt her until she’s quivering and moaning, her hands curled around the metal bars of the bench where her wrists are cuffs, her face flushed, dripping wet for me—and Iknowhow she must be feeling, because I’ve been feeling that way since the night before. But she won’t beg.

“You might as well let me up, Finn,” she pants, finally. I’m not even sure how much time has passed, only that the air is thick with tension, hers and mine, both of us turned on nearly past the point of being able to bear it—but she seems to be able to, better than I can. “I’m not going to beg.”

I swallow hard, my fingers clenching and unclenching around the handle of the flogger. My wrist is tired, and my cock is aching, andIwant to come. I want to bury myself inside of her, drop all pretense, and fuck her until neither of us can think, but I know that’s not on the table. That’s never been an option, and it won’t be now.

Frustrated, I drop the flogger, bending down to undo her cuffs in quick, sharp movements. “There,” I rasp, stepping back. “What now?”

Asha sucks in a slow breath, her fingers curling into her palms for a moment before she pushes herself up, her face settling into that seductive smirk that I both love and hate all at once. She’s beautiful like this—but I want more. I want to knowheroutside of all of this.

“Your turn,” she breathes, standing up on what even I can see are trembling legs, and her hand curls into the front of my shirt, tugging me towards the bench. “Take your clothes off, Finn.”

“Do it for me, lass,” I retort, and her eyebrows shoot up.

“Still calling the shots? I thought you were going tosubmitto your punishment.”

My cock throbs, almost more painful than pleasurable by now, and I feel a sudden weariness with all of this. “God, Asha—fuck. I just want—”

“What? You want to come? Maybe I should let you, after tormenting you last night. But it would be so much more fun if—”

Her fingers are undoing my buttons as she speaks, and I feel that sudden wave of frustrated anger again, my patience with all of these games wearing so very, very thin. My hand comes up to cover hers, my fingers wrapping around her wrist, and I move forward, backing her toward the wall on the other side of the bench as her eyes go wide.

“Finn—” her mouth drops open, her gaze fixed on mine, and I want to kiss her. I want to bend down and devour her lips, discover what they feel like against mine, soft and plush. I want to know the taste of her mouth, the hum of her moan against mine, and the need feels like an almost physical thing as her back hits the wall, and I cage her in against it, my frustration reaching a boiling point that I can only barely control.

“Maybe I’m not done with you yet,” I murmur in a hoarse growl, and Asha’s eyes fly wider still. She’s torn between arousal and fear—I can see it in her face, in the way she tenses without saying anything, hovering on the edge between seeing what I’m going to do and telling her to stop.

I can’t kiss her. I asked for it once already, and she said no. I won’t disrespect that. But there’s so much more—

“I want you.” The words slip out of my mouth, simple and blunt, full of the bone-deep need that she’s made me feel. “You’re driving me insane, Asha.” I slide her hand lower, down towards my aching cock, the way I had earlier. “I didn’t know it was possible towantthis much. To feel this kind of need—Christ, woman. You’re making me feel as if I’m losing my mind.”

Her lips part on a soft, indrawn breath, her fingers pressing against the hard ridge of my cock, and I can barely take it. I’m nearly pressed against her, all of her soft naked flesh, and I desperately want my own clothing to vanish, to feel her soft and warm against every inch of me. I’m almost grateful that Iamstill clothed—it feels like my last armor against losing control entirely.

Asha’s hand wraps around my cock, tugging me closer, her fingers toying with my zipper as they slide upwards. “What would you do to me if I let you?” she breathes, and for a moment, I can’t speak, as if the question has shorted out something in my brain.

“I don’t know if we have time for everything I want to do to you,” I murmur when I can speak again, looking down at her. She’s looking up at me with those wide, soft eyes, hazy enough with desire that I almost wonder if she might give in. “I’d get on my knees and lick your sweet pussy until you come all over my mouth again, just like you did last night, fuck you with my fingers until you clenched around them like you will on my cock. And then—” I shift forward a little closer, the space between us almost negligible now. “And then I’d pick you up, wrap your legs around my waist, and fuck you until you scream for me. I’d fuck you every way I could think of, for as long as I could. I can’t even begin to describe all the ways I want you wrapped around me, Asha, all the things you make me dream about—”

She swallows hard, her chest rising and falling in short, quick breaths as her other hand comes up to wrap in my shirt again, almost as if she wants to pull me closer and is trying to keep herself from doing just that. “If we did that,” Asha breathes softly, her voice almost trembling, as if she’s thought of all of this too and has been fighting her desire just as I have, “I wouldn’t be able to finish this job, Finn. You wouldn’t be able to let me go back to Matvei, and you know it. You wouldn’t be able to stand there outside that room, knowing what he’s doing to me, having even theslightestidea of it, and do nothing. The thought of him touching me, fucking me, beinginsideof me—itwoulddrive you insane. You know it would. We can’t do this. And we—”

Her voice does tremble then, and she presses her lips together tightly. I can see her swallowing back something she was going to say, and it makes me ache inside.

“What, Asha? What is it?” I’m so close to her. I want to press myself against her, bare skin to bare skin, to touch and kiss every inch of her body, to be so much a part of her that she and I both forget where one ends and the other begins. I’ve never wanted to be consumed by a woman the way I want to be with her—or to consume someone in return. I’ve never known an emotion like this, and it’s as exhilarating as it is terrifying.
