Page 103 of Bossy Playboy Doctor

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"The other one is married," I warned.

"Thank you," she said with a sigh of relief.

"Wait, before you go, why are Ethan and me, the only ones wearing the color of the day?" I asked.

"I have no idea," she shrugged, "But it kinda makes sense since you two are more or less the stars of the day."

"Ah…it makes sense, carry on and happy hunting," I ordered.

She gave me a thumbs up and went to meet with Stuart. I looked around and there were so many familiar faces. I couldn't find my father or any of the Sullivans, though. Not even Ethan. My staff motioned for me to join them. I shrugged and was about to make my way to them when someone stood in front of me.

It was Gabrielle in a black dress and other items I didn't care to remember.

"What's the meaning of this?" she asked.

"I should be asking you the same question," I replied calmly. "This is an event to celebrate the partnership between Ethan's hospital and mine. If you're interested, I could register you for a discount if you pick up a medical card."

"Didn't I warn you to stay away from Ethan?" she asked.

"Gabrielle, calm down, You're going to make a scene and you'll regret it," I warned. "This is my territory."

"Where do you get off threatening me?" she asked.

"That's the funniest thing. I'm not even threatening you," I replied. "I'm trying to tell you to…"

She poured the drink in her hand over my dress. The gasps and murmurs from everyone around didn't go unnoticed. I stared at the dress I had inherited from my mother, the dress that made Ethan call me an angel, the dress that my father told me was his favorite, and the last one my mother wore for him before she died now ruined by the red liquid.

"You sneaky little bitch," she spat. "I told you to stay away from him, didn't I? Now you come here acting all high and mighty?"

She raised her hand to slap me but Alison slapped her first.

"Bitch," Allison called, then turned to me, "Are you okay?"

I nodded hesitantly, trying my best to keep myself together because of my nature and the people watching. I just needed a teensy bit of a push and I was doing to break.

"You little…" Gabrielle seethed as she wanted to attack again.

"Hey!" a loud yell tore across the field, startling everyone.

Ethan walked up to us and looked at Allison and Gabrielle. As he turned his attention to me, his eyes lowered to my dress. I watched his face turn from confusion to anger. I got the push I needed and started to cry.

"Ethan," Gabrielle called out. "I was…"

He rushed over to her and raised his fist, but Alison stopped him.

"I already hit her, sir," she said to him.

He let her go and hugged me. "I'm so sorry, Stacy."

"Mom's dress…" was all I could say.

"I'm sorry. I should have resolved this a long time ago. I'm really sorry it had to be now," he sighed with regret.

"Ethan, I don't get it. You said you weren't the type to fall in love, so why did it have to be her, of all people?" Gabrielle asked.

"I'm not obliged to respond to filth, but I'll tell you," Ethan replied. "It's because she's willing to settle for someone like me when there are a million options out there. It's something you'll never understand. Unless you want me to put you in a place where you can never be found anymore, I'd advise you to never show your face around me or Stacy. My hospital will refund you every single dime you've spent. And then you are no longer welcome at my place."

"It's not fair," she said.
