Page 107 of Bossy Playboy Doctor

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"Well I think I'm about to," he said.

"Hmmm? How so?" I asked.

"I've tried to think about the right words to say, but I don't even know how best to ask a woman this kind of thing," he replied. "It's torn me apart for days now."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

He took in a deep breath and exhaled deeply. "I guess I'll let the action speak for itself."

He got down on one knee. I realized what he was talking about. He pulled out the box and showed me the most unique ring I had ever seen. The ring looked a bit rough around the edges. The gem, as expensive as it looked, seemed like it was cut by an amateur. To be honest, it looked like something Ethan would make if he were a jewelry maker.

It wasn't perfect; it was clumsily put together, yet the ring still had this appeal that said,I'll continue to improve.

"So…will you marry me?" he asked. "If you don't like the ring..."

"Ethan.. I love the ring," I said and offered my hand. "And I'm not about to let any wine spilling woman take it from me."

He laughed and put the ring on my finger. It fit like a glove. I was convinced that this ring was specifically made for me. He got to his feet and held my hips pulling me possessively to himself, then kissed me. The whistles, cheers and applause reminded both of us that we weren't alone. As we broke the kiss, he gave me a long look of admiration.

"What?" I asked.

"I just managed to propose to the most beautiful woman I know," he answered. "I must be dreaming."

"No, you're very much awake," I assured him. "For one thing, you've made my second dream come true."

"What's that?"

"Getting married to the father of my child," I replied.

"We'll make awesome parents," he assured me.



I was able to contain my joy. I knew I was going to throw a celebrity dance when I got back home.

"You have to meet my mom," I said. "Knowing her, she will have already met your dad.

"Does my dress look okay?" she teased.

"Perfect," I gave her a thumbs up. "I'm sure a fashion designer somewhere would be going bonkers right now, saying this is the next big thing."

"I won't buy it. I'll make mine," she mocked.

"I'd like to place an order in advance," I said and offered her my arm.

She accepted the arm, and I led her to where my family was gathered. As I suspected, her father was there as well.

"Dad, Ethan and I are getting married," she said. "I'm sorry that I skipped a lot of steps."

"It's okay, I knew," he said with a smile.

Called it.

"How did you know?" she asked in surprise.

"Think of it as the instinct of a parent who wants grandchildren," he snickered.
