Page 112 of Bossy Playboy Doctor

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"I didn't drop him," Ethan said with a smile as he burst into tears while laughing. "I thought I would."

"Your butterfingers lost this time," I mocked.

He stopped laughing and switched into full blown sobs, "I'm a dad…I didn't screw it up."

I watched him break down in tears of joy. I had never been prouder of myself or childbirth than when I saw how his body shuddered under the tears.

"You adorable klutz, come here," I called and he wiped his face, before coming close.

I rewarded his cheek with a kiss. He took his son's hand while he suckled. In a way, he was like his…

"Don't you think he's like me with how intense he is?" Ethan let the intrusive thought win.

"Don't ruin the moment Ethan." I sighed, "But yes… yes he is."

Ethan kissed the boy's hand, "Welcome to earth, my son."

"Alright ladies, the meat won't cook itself," my mother in-law announced. "Sophia is getting tired here."

My second niece seemed more interested in what we were doing. Chloe may have complained, but the girl enjoyed cooking more than the other Sullivan women. I couldn't wait until she was older and helped us out.

"Are you tired?" Olivia asked as she blew a kiss at her baby.

"But betting on who would handle the grill?" my mother-in-law asked. "You know the boys won't lose."

"I thought chivalry or something," I said with a sigh.

"Not when it comes to competitions," Olivia said. "Thank goodness, the food is ready."

"Let's get seated!" I announced.

I was surprised to find Ethan and Ian dog piling Ben. They let him go and headed to the table. I could hear the other mother's or single women murmur words of admiration as our boys approached.

"You did good sweetie," Ethan said and held me possessively. He kissed me before poking my sides and then inspecting the meat.

"Ben, no… you're sweaty," Olivia complained, but she didn't do anything to push him away as he kissed her neck repeatedly.

I saw him more as the gentle guy, so it was odd seeing him act so aggressively. Chloe and Ian set the table and I got to plating with Olivia's help. We all got seated.

"Drinks are missing," Ian said.

"I forgot to bring them," Ethan chuckled nervously.

At this point we were all used to him.

"I brought back up in my car," Ian said as he got up to go get them. "You guys start without me."

I was yet to understand Ian.

Ben said Ian was the smartest.

Ethan said he was antisocial.

Chloe said he was sweet.

His mother said he was the kind of guy you'd baby.

Olivia found him a bit scary.
