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She was gone.

This was fine.

But was I wrong?

The look in her eyes…the watery nature, accompanied by white hot rage as she slapped me refused to leave the memories of my mind.

It was fine. I could handle this on my own.

"Oh you're here, Stacy would you…" I stopped speaking as I tried to ask her for Olivia's file. "Sorry, give me a minute."

"Sure, take your time," Olivia said.

It took me time to find what I was looking for; it was the receptionist who even pointed it out.

It was right there on my desk. Stacy had kept them that way for me to easily find them without looking like a complete idiot. I was definitely looking like one.

"Ahem, I'm Dr. Ethan Sullivan," I introduced myself. "I created this program to train my nurses on how to handle situations better by learning from outstanding nurses in different parts of the world. So, while we bring in nurses, ours are sent to replace the incoming nurses positions. Does that make sense to you?"

Stacy was the one who wrote the speech for me. And all I had to do was repeat it. Making things easier to restrict me from saying anything that would make the incoming nurses feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah, it does. But I don't remember any nurse coming to take my position," she replied. "Are they supposed to come when I've already left?"

"Actually, they are supposed to be there before you leave," I explained. "And I guess that's where we have the problem with you."


"Due to a mistake on my part, I asked for an extra nurse when we didn't need one," I continued, recalling how upset Stacy was that I made this mistake. "Unfortunately, that was you."

"Oh, I see," she said.

"You're relatively calm about this," I offered.

"What good is panicking going to do?" she asked.

I let out a sigh of relief, "Stacy and I…I mean, I was worried that you'd be disappointed."

Why do I keep calling her name?

I explained her role in the exchange program and what to do if she met Ben. I just wanted to get this over with.

"Please, there are three Sullivan doctors. Just call me Ethan," I said.

"Thank you, Ethan," she said and smiled.

"Much better. Stacy, could you take her to where she'd get her lunch?" I asked but turned; she wasn't there.

The receptionist offered to show Olivia where to get her lunch, but she declined. I recognized the look on both their faces–pity. Why won't they pity me? I was a pathetic man who couldn't do without the woman who was willing enough to help him get his life back together.


I looked for my phone and couldn't recall where I kept it.

"Come to think of it, when was the last time I used that?" I asked myself.

Of course, I couldn't remember. I found it in my table drawer. I scrolled through my call history and noticed the several missed calls from Ben. Normally, I'd call back, but this time my heart was occupied with something else entirely. I opened the contacts and looked for Stacy's number.

What do I even say? Sorry?
