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“I'm sorry. For assuming that you were intimate and kind to me, just because you wanted me to pay you a favor," I began. "That was very rude and uncouth for me. It also made me an arrogant dick."

"You've got that right," she muttered under her breath.

"I understand you hate me now, but I really am sorry," I reaffirmed.

She exhaled deeply but didn't say anything else. I sighed and looked ahead. If she didn't want to forgive me, I was going to find another way to get her to do that.

"Why exactly are you here?" she asked.

"Your father and mine were friends. When he reached out to me that his hospital wasn't doing so well, I decided to come see how I'd help out," I explained, hoping it would score me some affection points with her.

After all, this was the same hospital she had told me about. I was just going to help her out. That's all and nothing else. And maybe get her to let go of the past? But that's just a bonus.

"So you want to help out of the goodness of your heart?" she asked.

Uh oh.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Interesting," she said and turned to face me, a smile on her face that I could tell wasn't…nice, "Unfortunately for you, big dick guy, no one here is going to fuck you as a reimbursement."

"I don't… what the?"

"I said, no one here is going to fuck you. I don't need your help, Ethan," she repeated to clarify, then turned, leaving me standing there agape.

"I said I'm sorry, didn't I?" I asked. I followed after her and held her hand.

"Let go, Ethan," she warned.

"If you want to hit me again, I don't mind," I said as I steeled my resolve. "I'll take as many hits as you can offer until you forgive me."

"I don't understand you," she said as she lifted her other free hand and attempted to slap me again, but she stopped before her hand could touch my face.

"I'm not scared of your anger or your frustration. I'm just more concerned about the fact that would never forgive me," I said.

"You really think it's that easy? Do you know what your words that day meant?" she asked as the fury returned to her eyes.

"I'm sorry…"

"You called me a user. You acted like what happened the previous night wasn't anything special. I don't even care how many women you've been with before me. You treated me like I was the rest of them," she said. "Is that what I was to you? A skank who'd need to be paid millions by just opening her legs?"

Her words were starting to cut too deep but I deserved it, and she needed the release.

"I didn't even let you buy me anything. I thought you were going through something more serious…related to work. I was aware of just how much you were putting in to improve on yourself," she continued. "I was drawn to that part of you. You were clumsy but you tried to fix it even though it seemed impossible."

She paused and looked back at the hospital. "It reminded me of me. I keep trying to fix this, and all I can do is offer temporal solutions. They don't hold up most of the time, but it doesn't stop me from trying again…just like you. You know that clumsiness is too difficult for you to handle, but you try your best not to inconvenience anyone around you."

I was too stunned to say anything. She had me down to a T. I didn't even know she was paying that much attention to me.

Did she just confess that she was in love with me? I really messed this up, didn't I?

"Even after telling myself that I wasn't going to open my heart to anyone until I had this hospital properly up and running…" she continued, but her tone was softer now; her eyes were focused on my hand holding hers. "I gave you that chance and…" She stopped and pulled her hand free. I let her go. "You didthat. Only harder and more painful for me."

"Sorry really doesn't cut it," I admitted.

"No it doesn't," she agreed.

"What can I do to get you to forgive me?" I asked.
