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"Eat," Ethan said as he handed me a slice. "We're colleagues here boss, accept the slice."

I sighed and accepted the slice. It was a peaceful evening. That was until the emergency alarm shattered the tranquility.

"What the…?" I dropped the pizza into the box and raced out, along with Ethan.

"An emergency case?" a nurse asked.

"We've never had one," another noted.

"Oh crap…Dr. Henry isn't here," one of them noted.

Dad wasn't around. He had something important to do downtown. I could understand their worry. In a failing hospital, we hardly got any emergency cases. I was a little worried now.

The urgency in the air was palpable as the paramedics rushed in with a patient hanging between life and death. The man, James, lay on the stretcher, his face a canvas of pain and uncertainty.

"Quick to ER," I ordered as they led the patient into the room.

We were all a bit worried. I tried to rack my head remembering my experience in medical school and at Ethan's hospital. The doors flung open as Ethan strode into the emergency room, his presence radiated an air of calm authority. This was the man who was lost a few days ago and could now crack a joke and eat pizza.

As he took charge of the situation, his determination and unwavering focus left an indelible mark on my heart. He was like a completely different person. The playful glint in his eyes had been completely erased and replaced with a look that said, “This man won't be lost.”

James was in the throes of a heart attack, his body betraying him in the cruelest way possible. The room was a symphony of beeping monitors and hurried footsteps, a chaotic dance done to save a life. I watched as Ethan's hands moved with grace, his decisions guided by a combination of expertise and intuition. In that moment, I understood why he was revered by both patients and colleagues alike.

Amid the flurry of activity, I found myself working in tandem with Ethan. Our eyes would meet in fleeting glances, unspoken words passing between us like a secret language. There was a shared understanding, a camaraderie that went beyond words. As the minutes stretched into hours, James's condition began to stabilize, the monitors displaying a more reassuring rhythm.

Hours turned into an eternity as we fought for James's life. Time seemed to lose its meaning in the intensity of the moment. Then, like a quiet sunrise after a storm, a collective sigh of relief swept through the room. James's heart had been coaxed back to life, a testament to Ethan's skill and the dedication of the entire team.

"There," Ethan said as he took a step back. "You don't get to die today, friend."

"Thank…thank you…I thought…" James managed to speak as the tears started to flow.

Ethan took off his medical gloves and wiped the man's tears with his hands.

"Shhh…it's okay," Ethan assured him. "You're fine."

It seemed like a father who had just saved his son from falling from an impossible height. I have never been prouder to be a doctor than the moment I saw James regain consciousness.

It was weird. Almost paradoxical. This man named Ethan Sullivan was so clumsy that he could break plates, lose keys, or forget to put something in the right place. But when he handled human life, it was a different ball game altogether. Like freshly laid egg, he'd make sure that life survived.

I had forgotten how kind he was.

He turned to me and smiled. "We made a good team didn't we."

"It's weird, I didn't know what to do but all of a sudden, I knew," I admitted.

"It's called resonance. You watched me work and automatically learned on the spot," he explained as he adjusted imaginary glasses. "I've rarely experienced it with anyone save for my brothers. You're really special."

There he goes again, wooing you with his words. And there goes your heart beating for him again.

He had definitely changed. But how much of that change was him? Was it limited to his abilities as a doctor or his clumsiness? Or has it stretched to his heart. I couldn't explain it. I was falling for him again.

"Now let's go finish that pizza," he said as he walked past me. "Saving lives makes me extremely hungry for some odd reason."

"Rather than the pizza would you like to come to my place?" I asked.

"For real? Your house?" He blinked twice as he tried to suppress the excitement growing in him.

"Yes, mine. It's to thank you for saving James's life," I explained.
