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Did someone see me staring hard?

"Don't worry; we're actually happy about it. You don't see Stacy hanging out with anyone," he continued. "Henry has been worried about it. She's making her mother's dream a reality. Nothing wrong with that, but she's still a young lady. As Henry's drinking buddy, I've also been worried about her. But she's found you, and that's what's important to us."

The man smiled. Maybe it was the terror of almost losing his life, but he was sporting a few gray hairs. The smile on his face was genuine.

"You all love her a lot," I said.

"Apparently, not as much as you do," he said. "Swing around the market along with her this evening."

"Thank you. I will," I promised.

He gave a nod and got up to leave after I was done giving him some instructions. As he left, I checked my wrist; it was already a few minutes to four pm. I went to check on Stacy. She was in her office, wholly immersed in her work. Her hand was furiously scribbling away at the reports. Her face was comprised of nothing but pure seriousness. She had air pods on, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of music she enjoyed.

She has given me a chance to start all over again, and I still had no idea what the majority of her life outside work looked like. Maybe because she consistently reported to work. According to the nurses, she never took leaves and was always in the hospital.

James was right; she needed to find something else to do. I didn't want to interrupt her, so I leaned against the door and continued to watch her. It was nice to do so. At some point, she'd start humming the songs or mumbling the lyrics.

I've never witnessed anyone singThe Shape of Youwith a beautiful voice–but so incorrectly. I didn't want to laugh. It was refreshing to see the serious Stacy Roberts, having a moment. After a few minutes, she finally noticed me and paused the music.

"How long have you been standing there?" she asked with suspicion.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat and placed my hand on my chest, "Da da da dum dum dum dum, I'm in love with your body. Two songs before that."

"Why didn't you say anything?!" She covered her face in embarrassment. "God, you're an idiot, Ethan."

"And you're a talented woman, Stacy. You can open the diner, run the hospital, and even perform as an artist," I continued to poke at her.

"Stooooop," she started to laugh and looked away. "You're making me cringe from imagining it. Who would even want to listen to me sing?"

I leaned in and held her chin, making her face me. "I'll gladly pay to listen to you sing all day."

Her eyes scanned my face, moved to my lips, and then back to my eyes.

"You sure?" she asked, almost in a whisper.

I kissed her lips softly. "Positively."

She licked her lips and kissed me again, biting my lower lip and flicking against it with her tongue, before kissing me deeply again and letting me go.

"I assume that I'll be expecting a private concert?" I said as she pulled away.

"Maybe," she smirked. "Now what did you come here for, besides listening to me sing?"

"I want us to go to the farmer's market event," I replied.

"Was that today?" she asked. "I haven't been in one of those since I finished high school."

"So let's go together," I suggested.

"But what if there are patients that need my attention?" she asked with a hesitant look.

"You don't have to worry about that. I've trained the staff and trust me, they know what they're doing," I replied.

"But, I need to…"

"Stacy, you're leaving with me. Now," I said. "Understood?"

She looked like she was about to protest. I placed my hand on her head, twisting a few strands of her hair around my finger, "You're coming with me, Stacy. No questions or excuses."
