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I was hoping he could pick up on the signs I was giving. But this was Ethan I was talking about. Clumsy in nature and unable to pick up on social cues. I mean who would normally be comfortable with talking about past flings with the person they're in love with? Well, I didn't mind. At least he was being honest with me. I figured I'd just get the contraceptives, and maybe when things got more aggressive between us, a baby would be timely. But that would mean marriage.

Married life with Ethan didn't sound so bad either. I could picture him breaking a lot of my plates, or messing up while building the baby crib. I giggled at the thought.

"What's funny?" he asked.

"It's nothing," I said and pinched his cheek. "Promise me you'll always be Ethan, okay?"

"I don't get it, but I promise," he said.

That was enough for me.


As we got to the supermarket, we decided to split and get the ingredients individually, but Ethan had never been grocery shopping on his own.

"The last time I went with my mom while she prepared for Thanksgiving, I ended up knocking over some items," he said. "Mom ended up paying for everything; we gave them out in addition to what she intended to donate to the homeless shelter."

"Please tell me this happened when you were a kid," I groaned.

"It was last year," he said with a proud smile.

"On second thought, we aren't splitting up anymore," I said and pulled him along.

Sure enough, he almost knocked down a lot of things. I started thanking my stars that we didn't go shopping for some tableware. As we were rounding up, I wanted to get some cucumbers. He didn't have any at home, which was surprising considering that he had a lot of other fruits and vegetables.

I reached for the biggest, thickest one I could find, but someone else reached for it.

"Oh, I'm sorry you can have it," I said.

"Thank you," the lady said. "Wait…don't I know you?"

I looked up at the lady and sure enough, I knew her: Gabrielle Rodriguez, the model from the last visit and one of the women I idolized for her beauty.

"Miss Rodriguez," I said with a smile. "I'm Dr. Stacy Roberts."

"Ah yes, the assistant at Ethan's hospital," she said, looking at the cucumber. "I didn't know you also liked cucumbers."

"Who doesn't?" I chuckled softly.

"What's this? It's Gabrielle," Ethan said as he walked up to us pushing a shopping cart. "What are you doing in Richmond?"

"Ethan, it's been months," she said. "I've missed you. I'm back because it's time for my six-month checkup. I heard you were on vacation."

"I'm back now and will be resuming work tomorrow," he informed her.

"Well, looks like my timing is perfect," she said with a smile that made me uneasy for some odd reason.

"That's a weird-looking cucumber," he said.

"I've decided to stick to the healthy option since I haven't had any decentproteinover the past months," she said as she pointed the cucumber at him. "It won't be too bad to switch back."

"I don't know about that; vegetables are obviously a better choice," he said with a shrug.

A part of me realized that she wasn't really talking about vegetables or fruits. But Ethan didn't get it.

"I'm not really talking about vegetables," she said as she stroked the cucumber.

Now that I realized what she wanted the cucumber for, I lost my appetite for it.Sothat'swhat she meant by I liked cucumbers.
