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Her words were cut short as I raised my hand to hit her, but I stopped myself. She had pissed me off, but I wasn't going to let my rage do anything to cause problems for Stacy and me. Not because of someone like Gabrielle.

"I understand you think it's unfair," I said as I lowered my hand. "But this is the path I've chosen. I'm sorry for the wrong signs I gave you. I'll make it clear now. Gabrielle Rodriguez, I'm no longer interested in you as a sex partner or romantic interest. My heart, soul, and body belong to someone else. You can't fulfill her role in my life. I really apologize and hope you understand."

She stared at me with smoldering rage, reached for her bag, and slung it over her arm. She walked past me shoving me in the process.

"This isn't over, for both of you," she said.

"Oh and Gabrielle," I called and she stopped. "Don't be stupid. You'll regret it."

She sucked her teeth and left.

"Ah I forgot to fork over her test results," I said as I picked up the report.

I decided to mail it to her instead.

Chapter nineteen

The News and Uncertainty


That morning, as I couldn't join Ethan at the hospital, I slept in as planned. Well, I wish I did because the nausea started getting aggressive for no reason. As I kneeled over the toilet seat, heaving out my guts, I was sure that something else was going on than just an upset stomach. It was the one thing most women fear. My period wasn't due to arrive until two weeks, so there was no time to sit around and confirm it. I rushed to my purse and pulled out the pregnancy test strips I usually kept in hand for patients. As I peed on the strip, I was shaking.

I crossed my fingers and prayed, but my prayers weren't needed nor were they answered because the strip showed I was indeed pregnant. But it could be wrong. Strips usually had that issue. I needed a proper test.

I borrowed one of Ethan's cars and headed to a pharmacy nearby. I found a trusted pregnancy test and took it to the counter.

You know that moment, when you're in panic and it just seems like the universe is tossing various things to remind you of what you're panicking about? Yeah, I was having one of those moments. A woman was buying baby diapers and another was with her baby along with a prescription slip, showing it to the pharmacist.

I felt nervous as the receptionist motioned for me to come to the counter. I placed the test on the table. I could feel the women's gaze on me and the little item. Even the receptionist found the situation a little funny. I chuckled nervously and prayed that the ground would swallow me up. Now I understood why my patients, especially the ones who didn't plan for pregnancy, would ask me to buy the tests or strips for them.

She gave me the bill, and I paid for it and bolted out of there and into the car. I considered the possibility that I was actually pregnant. How was it even possible? As I returned home, I took another test. My heart raced as I stared at the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter. Two pink lines. Positive. The realization hit me like a tidal wave, sending a mix of emotions crashing through me. Joy, fear, uncertainty—all swirling together, leaving me breathless. I sank onto the edge of the bathtub, my mind racing a million miles an hour.

Thoughts of Ethan who could be the father consumed me. How would he react? Would he be excited, or would this news shatter his world? I tried retracing my steps.

"Yes we had unprotected sex two days ago, but I'm not supposed to have developed the symptoms this fast," I said to myself as I paced back and forth. "Is it even medically possible to develop the symptoms so fast? Who am I even asking? I'm a medical doctor."

I couldn't even think clearly. I started wondering why I didn't even go for plan B as I had planned. Did I actually want a baby? I had thought about it, but it was just a thought. Imagine actually giving birth to a baby, and he has his father's eyes and messy hair…and my lovely cheeks, and nose.

It would be the cutest baby I had ever seen.

"No…no stop it, Stacy, you're supposed to be panicking," I reminded myself and forcefully tore my attention away from the fact that Ethan and I would make lovely parents.

This wasn't how I had planned things. If I were ever going to have kids, I wanted it to be just the way my father desired. I get a boyfriend, we date, I introduce him to my dad, we date some more, he proposes, we marry, and then, the kids. Now it feels like I missed a lot of steps. Well, Ethan had already met my dad, but not as my boyfriend and that worried me. Would Dad be disappointed with me? Not important…I needed to remember. And then it hit me. Back in Glen Allen. That's when it happened. We went at it raw; it felt so good that I actually forgot about taking anything.

"That means, I'm already three weeks gone," I said as I collapsed onto the bed. "What and how am I going to tell him?"

I could do nothing but wait for his return.


Although I had warned Gabrielle not to try anything stupid, I was sure she was going to do something. Being human and all, possessing themake megene makes us naturally do stupid things that people tell us not to do.

I wanted to give Stacy a heads-up at least. As I returned home, I took a good look at the ring box and a smile crept along my face. I just needed the universe to present me with an opportunity to give it to her.

As I got into the house, Daniel had already left, but I was sure dinner would be waiting for me. Stacy wasn't in the living room or kitchen. I was almost expecting a wife welcoming husband home kind of situation, but I chose not to say anything aloud.

I hid the ring box again and opened the master bedroom. I found Stacy on the bed, hugging her knees like something terrible had just happened.
