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She promised that she wouldn't leave; that was no longer a problem anymore. I wasn't confident of my ability as a potential parent. She said we'd have some training sessions but, I didn't think it would work.

Asking her to marry me left a lump in my throat. She was going to say “yes”, of course…I was just worried about the proposal going wrong. I could easily imagine losing the ring. Or proposing at the wrong time…or something else entirely ruining it for both of us. I didn't want to think too much about it, but that's how things worked for me.

"I should probably just practice first," I said to myself as I walked over to the anatomy model and got down on one knee. I held the box in hand, then visualized that the model was actually Stacy.

It was frightening even if the model wasn't alive, but simply picturing it as Stacy caused me to panic. I swallowed hard and forced the words out of my mouth, "From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew there could be no one else. Would you like to make me the happiest man in the world?"

"What exactly are you doing?" Ben's voice called me back to reality.

I turned to find him looking at me like I had lost my mind.

I got back to my feet and adjusted myself, "You could have called first."

"I did. Where's your phone?" he asked.

I checked my pockets and the drawers. "I forgot it."

"Figured," he said and let himself in.

He took a seat and still looked worried about what he had just witnessed. He even exchanged glances between the model and me.

"You know that's a male anatomy model, right?" he asked.

"What?" I raised a brow and looked over at the model. I noticed there was no female reproductive system, just a male's.

"I had no idea that the model is a male," I admitted.

"You two would make a good couple, though," he mocked.

"Idiot, I was practicing," I said.

He pointed at the box in my hand. "Bring it."

I handed it to him. He opened it and raised a brow in question. "This is what you're going with?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Is there something wrong with it?"

"No," he said with a smile as he shook his head negatively, then he returned it to me. "She'll love it."

"Thanks. So what are you here for?" I asked. "You should probably book an appointment in advance for your next meeting."

"I've already booked an appointment," he said with a frown. "I told you that Olivia and I are going to be away for some alone time. Could you help watch Chloe?"

"I'm still worried about babysitting," I said. "I almost dropped her, remember?"

"You know I had actually forgotten about that," he replied. "This isn't going to be a good idea, is it?"

"I doubt it. And I don't know any babysitters," I replied. “Oh, Chloe doesn’t do too well with strangers.”

“Hmm…” he muttered and paused to think about it. "I should probably just take her along with us."

"No, not a good idea," I said. "I can handle the babysitting, but I'll need backup."

"Stacy?" He raised a brow.

"Yeah, it will be good practice for when we're both parents," I explained.

"She's pregnant, isn't she?" he asked with a smirk.
