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"I didn't say that," I remarked. "I just said it would be good practice."

"Right," he said with a smile that told me he didn't buy my excuse. "I’d feel more comfortable if Stacy is with you. I'm sure Chloe will calm down if you were there too. Just don't break anything."

He got up to leave. "Oh, and, congratulations in advance. Don't think too much about the proposal. It's not that hard. You just get on one knee and demand that the other party marry you. Done it twice."

"I forgot you were a veteran," I smirked, "Now get out of here."

He nodded, "Don't break anything, Ethan."

"I'm not a kid anymore man," I said with a frown. "Have some faith in me."

He sighed and left.

A babysitter gig, huh?


"It's… smaller than I expected," Stacy remarked as she stared at Ben's place.

"His first wife wanted it like this," I said. "Too small for my liking."

"Is Ian's place like this, or like yours?" she asked.

I pictured the two-bedroom suburban-looking house he called home.

"Far more minimalistic," I replied. "Hardly associates with anyone besides family members, so I don't see anyone visiting him. He doesn't seem to care, though."

"I see," she said and stared at the door.

I pressed the doorbell and Chloe answered.

"Uncle Ian?" Her eyes lit up.

"Nope," I grinned.

Her shoulders dropped, and she made to close the door, but I put my foot between the door, stopping her.

She ran off screaming, and I followed her.

"Get back here you little rascal." I chased after her and caught her.

She kicked the air squealing as I tickled her sides.

"Stop! I'm going to pee!" she warned as she emitted peals of laughter.

"You give up?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, and I put her down.

She hugged my leg, "It's nice to see you, Uncle Ethan. Who's the lady?"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Stacy Roberts," Stacy introduced herself nervously, which was a little surprising.

"I'm Chloe Sullivan," my niece said proudly, then turned to me. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Yes," I replied instantly.

"Ethan," Stacy said and punched my arm.
