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I looked at the texts and let out a sigh. All of them were from Gabrielle. From the looks of things, she was still upset about me and Stacy. I didn't care about her texts. Some of them made no sense. For instance, what did she mean by,what we had was real, and you know it?I thought we both made it clear that there was nothing else between us besides sex. That's not even all. The sex was okay but like with other girls, I was barely satisfied. I didn't get what she was aiming at, but I decided it wasn't that important to worry about.

"You don't want breakfast?" Stacy asked as she plated the scrambled eggs she had made with Chloe's help.

We were still babysitting and getting the hang of it too. The last thing I wanted was to distract myself with the drivel of someone who didn't have anything better to do.

"Of course I am," I replied. I put my phone back into my pocket and joined them at the table. "My niece made me breakfast. So, I must have it."

"I made the toast," Chloe pointed out.

"I'll have that first," I said and took a bite out of it. "Deliciously toasted."

"Thank you," she said with the biggest smile I've seen on her.

She looked a lot like her late mother when she beamed and at the same time looked like Olivia.


"Uncle Ethan, I'm going to be a big sister!" she announced. "Did you see Mom's tummy? She said she's going to have a baby."

"Oh really, I didn't notice," I replied. "Are you ready to be a big sister?"

"Hmm." She nodded. "We'll share rooms and play princesses and even braid each other's hair."

"That sounds really fun," I said.

"What did you and Dad do when you were kids?" she asked.

My childhood was filled with me messing things up, with Ben and Ian stepping in to fix it. Or trying to hype Ian up to talk to some girls. Or just simply admiring Ben.

"It was something similar to that. But we're boys, so we wrestled a lot," I replied.

"Did Dad lose?" she asked.

"No way that monster is going to lose when it comes to a show of strength," I answered.

"He he he." She seemed proud of her father. "What about you Aunty Stacy? Do you have any sisters?"

"I don't have any siblings," Stacy said. "But I do have cousins. So they were more like siblings to me."

"I want cousins too," Chloe admitted.

I stifled myself from laughing.

"We'll see what we can do," Stacy said, beaming a smile.

The union party was next week, and I decided to make it more than a union of two hospitals. I could hardly wait. My phone started to ring. I pulled it out; it was Gabrielle.

"Excuse me," I said to Stacy as I excused myself from the table to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Why aren't you responding to any of my messages?" she asked.

"And a good morning to you too, ma'am," I greeted. "What do you want?"

"I already…good morning," she snickered. "You're ignoring me. You read the texts and didn't respond."

"Gabrielle. I didn't respond because I don't see any reason to," I said. "The texts you sent didn't make any sense in the first place because that's not the kind of relationship we were in."
