Page 45 of Hazing Her

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“Do you want to go, Duchess?”

My eyes ping-pong between Callum and Kassidy, who looks like a bobblehead doll, nodding.

“I guess. I don’t know who that band is, but going to a concert would be nice,” my words are hesitant in response.

Callum pulls his phone out, shooting off a quick text. A minute later, he gets one in return.

“Consider it done. We got six tickets, second row,” Callum says as if what he did was no big deal.

With that, Callum disappears just as fast as he showed up. After a quick check of the time to confirm there are still another two hours before the library closes, I get back to work. Kassidy is useless tonight—thoughts on nothing but the upcoming concert. We pack our stuff, return the books we were using on the shelves, and prepare to return to the dorms.

After Kassidy and I say goodbye and part ways, Callum steps up next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. My steps falter, giving him a side look and raising an eyebrow.

“What love?” Callum is wearing what I have dubbed his trademark smirk when he is up to no good.

“What, what?” I say, not trusting the look on his face or why he was lurking in the library.

“What was that look for?” he asks.

Taking a deep breath and trying to decide if answering him will cause problems.

“Just spit it out, Kennedy,” he says impatiently.

“Well, I am trying to figure out what is happening.” Now it’s Callum’s turn to stutter a step.

“Concerning what?”

“Well, Rodney drunk fucked me, which I don’t think he remembers, and then that shit earlier today on the desk. You pop up out of nowhereinthe library, somehow get second-row concert tickets with just a single text, and now you are walking me back to the dorm,” I say, full of suspicion.

“Is there a question in there somewhere?” He chuckles.

“What am I to you? To all of you?” I ask, trying to figure out this thing between us.

“That is complicated,” he states.

“Whatever. If you don’t want to answer me, fine, leave me alone,” pissed now that I got no answers. Moving out from under Callum’s arm, my pace increases to put some distance between us.

Taking the stairs to the third floor, I lock myself in my dorm room. My backpack gets put away before grabbing a change of clothes and heading for the shower. Finally, getting to scrub their cum off my body, going over every inch of my body several times. Knowing my skin is clean but mentally still feeling sticky, my body stays under the spray for several long moments, working up the courage to remove the anal plug. Once it is removed, I let out a deep breath. My ass hurts. I clean the plug and wrap it in a washcloth. If Calista happens to be in our room, I don’t want her to see it.

Washing my body one more time for good measure causes my skin to turn red. After drying off, grabbing my stuff, and heading back to my room, I take a couple of painkillers to help my poor muscles. Once everything is put away, I climb into bed, replaying the events of the day over in my head. Thinking back on my encounter—for lack of better words—with the guys, moisture pools between my legs. Their treatment of my body was surprising. They didn’t hurt me; it was just so different than expected.

My hands start to drift over my body, picturing they belong to Gareth, Callum, Ashton, and even Rodney. Immediately trying to shut down my overactive brain, fluffing my pillow in anger and rolling onto my side toward the wall. I close my eyes, trying to forget those images, and get some sleep.


Igot to class early today. Yesterday, seeing Kennedy on that desk with my friends’ hands all over her beautiful body, ready to kick my own ass for what I did to her. The worst was not fully remembering how she felt wrapped around my dick. Knowing that I will get another chance to fuck her—Gareth, Callum, and Ashton are going to make me wait for it, though. It’s their form of punishment for me being an asshole, and one that is honestly deserved.

This morning, the guys told me to notify them if she follows the skirt rule. Of course, none of us are expecting her to listen. We can’t wait to see how she reacts to the punishment Gareth has planned. Wondering if she has the plug in today, my lips quirk in excitement. If she ignores two demands, she will end up with a red ass, in addition to Gareth’s first plan.

Watching the door as students file in, taking their usual seats in the room, my excitement continues to grow. I am usually one of the last in, so as soon as Kennedy spots me, her steps falter. A slow smile creeps across my face. She looks down at her pants and then back up at me, face beet red. Kennedy quickly takes her seat. Pulling out my phone, my fingers fly across the screen, sending a message to the guys in our group chat.


Kennedy didn’t listen; she has pants on.


Okay, thank you.
