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“We’ll take your vehicle,” she told him.

He grabbed both her and Rain by an arm and hauled them to their feet. Before she knew what was happening, he propelled her back toward the building.

“Why aren’t we making a run for it?” she asked through the ringing in her ears. Behind them, the SUV billowed with black smoke.

“My vehicle might not be safe either. We need to grab another vehicle and wait for backup. Get forensics in.”

“We don’t have time for that!”

“We’re not in danger at the moment. C’mon.” He towed her the last few feet to the door.

“Quaide, it’s insane to stand around waiting for someone to come. Who is coming anyway? Harv from the office?”

He shot her a strange look she couldn’t decipher but pulled out his phone.

Suddenly, an engine revved. Quaide whirled, giving her a clear view of a truck with the driver’s window down.

It took her several seconds to realize that Rain was sitting behind the wheel.

“What the fuck?” Quaide asked the question Dove hadn’t formed into words yet.

“Get in!” Rain waved frantically at them.

Dove shook her head.How? What about keys?

“She hotwired a truck.”

“Jesus Christ!” Quaide barked.

Again, her sister waved for them to hurry. For once, Rain was the only person thinking straight.

Dove took a step toward the truck.

Quaide’s grip bit into her forearm. “Let her go. You’re staying with me.”

She gaped at him. “You’re trying to boss me around now? That isn’t how this works, Quaide.”

“We’ll track her down as soon as—”

She cut him off. “Are you listening to yourself? I can’t let her do this alone. She’ll wind up dead!”

A stabbing pain in her chest made it harder to breathe than the oily smoke filling the air did. Rain was the last person in her life. Heronlyperson.

Hazel eyes burned into hers. “You’re staying with me, and that’s final!”

She wrenched her arm out of his grip. “If you’ll leave an innocent, helpless woman, where does that leave me?”

“Get in!” Rain yelled again.

Quaide swung his gaze to the truck and back to Dove. “Fine,” he gritted out, and hauled her across the pavement to the truck.

“Scoot over—I’m driving,” he told Rain. With his forearm across his nose and mouth against the smoke, he grabbed the bags they’d dropped far enough away from the SUV that they weren’t yet on fire.

Dove jumped in the driver’s side of the truck and scooted down the bench seat, placing herself in the center. It wasn’t until Quaide joined them that she realized her mistake. Her body would be pressed up against her former lover’s.

As soon as he leaped behind the wheel and took off, Dove could let out the breath she’d been holding.

“How do you know how to hotwire a truck?” He scanned the rearview mirror and both side mirrors for more danger as he picked up speed.
