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“You can take us to the next town. We’ll get a rental car and go somewhere else.”

He tore his stare away from the road again. When it burned into hers, she started to squirm and not in a good way.

What she saw on Quaide’s face was white-hot rage. “I’m not letting you out of my sight, Dove. You left me once. You were nowhere to be found.”

Her stomach plummeted, and her head spun with the force of his words. “I know what’s best for me and my sister.”

“Like hell. I’m not going to even let you go to the bathroom without me.”

Rain issued a low whistle, and when Dove threw her a glare, she saw her sister’s lips pursed in a you’re-so-in-trouble expression.

She resisted the urge to jab Rain with her elbow. “You think I don’t know the laws? You can’t keep us against our will.”

His jaw clamped so hard she swore she heard his teeth gnash. “Do you have any damn idea how much you made me suffer when you left, Dove? Iamgoing to get my way on this.”


Who was this woman? Quaide and Dove agreed not to dive into each other’s personal lives, but her personality seemed very different from what it was when they worked together. And slept together.

Was she even the same? Maybe he didn’t know her as well as he believed and had spent the past six weeks fantasizing about being with her again, only to have it all come crashing down.

What Quaide said to her was an understatement. For the past six weeks, he’d been going crazy wondering what the hell went wrong between him and Dove. Now it looked as if she’d taken off to harbor a suspect in a criminal case.

For their sake, he downplayed the danger they’d just escaped. The bomb in her SUV wasn’t that small. Most of the hit was on the opposite side of the vehicle, which made it easier for him to tell the lie and spare the ladies more fear. If it had been planted a few inches to the left, they’d all be dead.

At least the truck Rain so cleverly hotwired had a big engine that would get them to Boulder a few minutes faster if he held this speed.

He ground his teeth. The faster, the better. How much longer could he survive in this cramped cab with Dove bouncing up and down on the seat, rubbing against him?

He didn’t dare glance over at her breasts. Too many times he’d seen them bouncing in the throes of lust while he pounded into her wet, tight pussy.

Great—now his jeans were strangling his cock.

He tried to focus on anything but stopping the truck, dragging her out and pinning her to the door. Or lowering his mouth to her sexy throat and kissing his way down to the plump crests of her breasts.

The sisters were arguing again. It took him two tries to zero in on what they were saying.

“You have no clue how much that makeup cost. My foundation alone was a hundred dollars, Dove.”

“Then you’re stupid for spending that.” She stopped and sucked in a deep breath. “I’m sorry. Ihave tofind a minute to calm down. I shouldn’t have called you stupid. I’m the answer girl. I have an answer for everything. So we just need a plan.”

“I’m going to have to buy more as soon as we get to the city,” Rain said.

Dove groaned. “Quaide, you’re going to have to freeze her bank accounts.”

“I’ll take her credit card as well,” Quaide offered.

“No use. She’s got them saved in her phone.”

“I’ll take that too.”

On the other side of Dove, Rain issued an indignant sigh and twisted her face to look out the window. At least the road was relatively smooth. Any more bumps and Dove would bounce into his lap. Their arms brushed with every sway of the truck.

“It’s too bad this thing doesn’t have a back seat. We’re so cramped in here.” Dove held her body stiffly as though trying not to bounce up against him. Which made him want to purposely hit a few more potholes than necessary.

“You’re fine right here.Beside me.” His tone brooked no argument.

“Actually—” she began.
