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The corners of her lips twitched in a small smile, but that was all he’d get from her right now. “I’ll fix your coffee.”

He left her still standing in the middle of the study, looking lost and alone. It broke his damn heart that she’d let things go this far without reaching out to him when she knew damn well he could help her. That hewouldhelp her.

In the kitchen, he shoved some boxes stuffed with cords and external hard drives out of his way so he could reach the coffee machine. He didn’t bother fixing a whole pot, just put in a pod and set a mug at the ready.

As the scent of the rich brew hit his senses, he grabbed some powdered creamer and dumped it in. He only ever fixed Dove coffee in hotel rooms when they were alone. In the office, she fixed it for him.

He carried the mug back to the study and found her perched on the edge of the ugly couch, her head in her hands. For a heart-shattering moment, he thought she was crying.

Then she lifted her head and he saw her thin cheeks were dry. Her eyes were tired but not red.

She started to stand, reaching for the mug, but he crossed the space to her before she could get up and placed the mug in her hands.

The urge to pull her against him was so damn strong that his throat closed off for a moment. If he started touching her, he couldn’t stop. He’d have her legs wrapped around him and his cock buried in her tight heat before she ever got a chance to take a sip.

As she brought the mug to her lips, he stepped back, watching her. There was never a void to fill between them. They conversed with ease. They enjoyed silent companionship in the same way.

“Why didn’t you come to me?” he asked at last.

She swiped her tongue over her bottom lip. “I told you—I didn’t want to drag you into my mess. What were you going to do? Helping us would have jeopardized your position with the FBI.”

“I was leaving anyway. But it wouldn’t have mattered—I still would have done anything for you.”

Issuing a small exhalation, she shook her head. “Do we have to talk about the whys of it all, Quaide? Fact is, everything is a mess now. A hit is out on my sister!”

“Sentry’s got a tight rein on the situation. We’re going to get her into hiding and no harm will come to her. I promise.”

“I can’t let her go to this ranch alone. Do you have any clue what kind of trouble she’ll get into if I don’t watch over her?”

He gave a slight nod. “I can guess based off what I’ve seen so far.”

When she drew the mug to her mouth again, it wobbled ever so slightly in her trembling grip. “So…tell me your plans for this study.”

The change in topic was one they both needed andso muchlike the upbeat Dove he knew. He looked around. “First thing I do is rip down the wallpaper and tear off the paneling.”

“Brighten it up with fresh drywall. Any ideas for a paint color?”

“That’s always been your wheelhouse, hasn’t it?”

Countless times over the months they’d spent together, they’d lie in bed and talk about this house. Now she was actually in it—and he never thought she would be.

“After this is all over, I guess I can give you some ideas,” she said.

“Good. It’s settled. When you’re done with your coffee, I’d like to show you and Rain where you’ll sleep.”

“All right.” She took one last sip of coffee and set the mug on the ugly table in front of her.

“I’ll get Rain and meet you in a minute.” He found the team still sequestered in the dining room, talking over the plan, but Rain wasn’t with them. He located her in the kitchen with Lark, munching on an apple.

Every time he saw the woman, Quaide was hooked in the gut. She lookedso muchlike Dove. Even the way she chewed reminded him of her.

The major difference, though, was their personalities. Dove was smart and reserved. He didn’t know Rain, but what he’d seen was impulsive and somewhat immature.

He couldn’t help but wonder how Dove got saddled with the responsibility for her sister. Wasn’t there any other family member to help?

Their bags were still in the spot where Julius had set them, so Quaide picked them up. “Rain, I’m going to show you to your room.”

“Okay.” She took one last bite from the apple and tossed the core in the trash.
