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“It’s Quaide. We’re holding a meeting about your trip. Can you meet us downstairs in…” He started to say ten minutes and realized he was speaking to a woman who spent a small fortune on makeup. Ten minutes wouldn’t be enough time to wash her face.

Of course, she didn’t buy the makeup. The money was from her boyfriend’s drug trade.

For about the seventh time, he wondered where the hell their parents were in all this. What made a fully grown woman so protective of her fully grown sister?

He had some guesses, and with a few clicks of a button, he could dig into their background. But he wanted to hear it from Dove.

“Rain? Did you hear me?” he prompted her.

“Yeah. Yes! I’m up. I’m really up. Oh god, who wakes up at this time?”

He left her muttering to herself and moved to his bedroom door. He gently knocked.


“Come in.”

Dove stood at the foot of the bed, rummaging through her open bag. When his stare fell on her, his heart gave a flip.

“God, I missed your beautiful face.”

Her expression softened, and she smiled in that tender way he probably read way too much into.

He closed the door, walked right up to her, leaned in and kissed her. The gentle stamp of his mouth over hers wasn’t nearly enough for him, but he drew back to give her space.

“You look rested,” he said.

“I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment that I look nice or a statement that I didn’t before.”

He trailed his knuckle over her cheek. “You needed sleep, and so did I.”

Her stare traveled over him. “Your collar’s sticking up. Let me fix it.”

Her hands on him made his gut clench with need. That quickie the previous day and a few stolen kisses in between hadn’t done much to slake six weeks’ worth of lust for her. Somehow, he managed not to grab her hips and yank her into his stiffening cock.

She fidgeted with his shirt collar, smoothing it with her fingers while he stared down at her.

Her hands stilled. Then she spread them across his shoulders. As she tilted her head back to look at him, she ran the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip.

“Last night we didn’t…”

So she also thought it was strange that they hadn’t thoroughly enjoyed their time with a mattress more.

He shook his head. “No. Believe me, I wanted to. But you were asleep when I got out of the shower, and I wanted to let you rest.”

She trailed her fingertips down his chest before letting her hands drop to her sides. His chest heaved with the inferno building inside it. He needed to touch her.

If he did, he wouldn’t stop.

He used up a good portion of his willpower for the day walking away from her, but he forced himself to do just that. At the door, he said, “Meet us downstairs. I already woke up Rain.”

“You’d better wake her again. She won’t be up.”

“I’ll do that.” His gaze latched on to hers for a heartbeat that stretched on and on between them.

When he entered the dining room, his mind was still back in his room—in that bed—with Dove. Julius was already there, a breakfast biscuit with egg and cheese in one hand.

“Is there ever a time when you’re not eating a sandwich?”
