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“Well, he thought the problem in our relationship was you.”


Well. Here it was. The gambit to end all gambits. She took a deep breath.

“Because he thinks I want to fuck you.”



And his whole brain went blank. It was like he was twenty years old. His brain totally nonfunctional because all the blood had rushed to his dick.

And he couldn’t think of anything except the lush, beautiful lips across from him at the table saying she wantedtofuck him.

Well, technically she hadn’t said that. She’d said her boyfriend thought that.

He wasn’t going to touch her. But everything inside of him felt lit up with the whole conversation they’d just had. She couldn’t come when she had sex?

He couldn’t stop himself from thinking of all the ways he could make her come. And also he wanted to go punch Chad in his damned smug face. He’d had this woman for what? Three years? He’d been given that beautiful body and he’d never made her come?

It was a crime against humanity. The asshole should have his dick confiscated.

Walker clenched his hands into fists underneath the table. That was wrong. It was just wrong. This was Frankie.


She’d been working for him since she was a kid. She... Wellhell, she’d brought his kids up, basically. She was sweet and wonderful and pretty, pretty as hell, actually. But the thing was she was so much younger than him. He might have a high opinion of himself, and how good he was in bed, but the simple truth was he hadn’t actually been with anybody for eight years.

He just let that part of himself go. And that was one reason why his whole brain was going haywire now, he knew it. Because it felt like a solution to a couple of different problems, right in one.

This was Turkish delight. He knew it.

He was thinking aboutThe Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He and the kids had always watched the cartoon, and he had read them the book. Edmund betrayed his entire family for the promise of power and Turkish delight. Right now, the idea that he could give Frankie an orgasm during sex and end his celibacy felt a lot like the same.

Power. And Turkish delight.

No.No.He was wrong in the head. Absolutely wrong in the head.

“Are you okay?” Frankie tilted her head to the side.

“Frankie, give a man a minute after you say something like that.”


“I... I don’t know what to say to you.”

“Why don’t you know what to say to me, Walker? We’ve known each other for more than ten years.”

“Ten years ago,you were a kid,” he said.

She looked like he slapped her. All the color drained out of her face, and her eyes went dewy.

“I’m not though now.”

“But you were. And now you’re sitting there talking to me about stuff like this.”

“Walker, do you trust me to take care of your kids? Did I drive them to school every day and pick them up every day?”
