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“I work on the logging crew here in Blackbear Bluff,” I said, mostly to shove these whacko thoughts out of my head.

But there was plenty of distraction right in front of me. Drops of water cascaded from her hair and down her arm as she wrapped the towel around her torso. The move effectively covered those plump pale breasts that were threatening to spill over the generous triangles of her bathing suit. It was an image that would be embedded in my mind for at least a few weeks, if not months.

“I read the article about this town,” Zoey said. “Bunch of men and no women. It must be tough.”

At the end of that statement, she turned and looked at me, tucking one end of the towel into the other end. In the process, her thumb grazed the top of her breast, a move that made me all too aware of the pressure building against the zipper of my jeans.

“Boone isn’t all that far away,” I said. “There’s a bar not too far past the city line.”

It wasn’t exactly crawling in eligible women, but if a man really needed a fun night with a willing woman, there usually was at least one or two hanging around. In fact, I was pretty sure some of them came around just to see if a mountain man showed up.

“What does that mean?” she asked.

She started toward me then, and I gripped the top of the fence with my free hand. If she expected to have a conversation, moving to stand within a few feet of me wasn’t a wise idea. My fingers were itching to explore the globes of flesh poking out above that tightly wrapped towel.

“It means it’s a place to find women,” I said in answer to her question, mostly because I had to speak to avoid staring at her cleavage like a creeper. “If a man gets really hard up, you know…”

“You’re saying the women there aren’t attractive?” she asked.

I’d walked right into that one. “No, I’m saying driving all the way to Boone for…” I stopped myself before saying “pussy” and softened it up. EvenIcould be a gentleman sometimes, when the situation called for it. “If one of my logging crew teammates is looking for a date, that’s where they go.”

I expertly took myself out of that equation. Like I hadn’t traveled to Boone myself more than a few times. I’d lived in Blackbear Bluff since the military recruiter sent me here two years ago, and every few months, I needed a release. There wasn’t a single woman in sight, so a man had to do what a man had to do.

She tilted her head, eyeing me. “So, you’ve never done that?”

She was studying me. If she looked hard enough, she’d see the broken man I was. I didn’t want her to see that.

“You hungry?” I asked.

I held my breath, hoping for a change in conversation. She’d have every right to press for an answer to her question. I saw it as a good sign when her gaze shot toward Scoreboard.

“Starving,” she said. “I was planning to grab something once I checked in. I guess I didn’t plan very well. I was in such a rush to get here, I skipped breakfast and lunch. Do you think the guy who works the front desk is over there? Maybe he’d let you grab my keys for me so I can change.”

Change. She planned to take off this bathing suit. I was cool with it coming off, but not so cool with her replacing it with full-coverage clothing.

“Bryan’s not in there,” I said. “I just came from there. I was grabbing a quick bite before heading home after running my morning errands.”

Why was I giving her all those details? She didn’t need to know them.

“I’d love to grab lunch, but I don’t think they’d appreciate me traipsing through there in my bathing suit,” Zoey said, tugging at the tucked-in section of the towel. “Especially with my dripping wet hair.”

“Oh, they’ll appreciate it, alright.”

Had I said that out loud? Apparently so. Her head snapped up, and she stared at me through wide eyes. I rushed to correct that.

“If you want to be gawked at by a bunch of guys, go right ahead.” I gestured toward the restaurant. “They’d be happy to see you, believe me.”

The way she continued to stare at me had me worried she might head over to the restaurant. Her gaze drifted over my T-shirt-covered chest as she bit her lip and shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

I didn’t want her to walk into Scoreboard, though. The scattering of locals on a Saturday afternoon would get an eyeful. She’d be lucky if she left without a date for tonight. If anyone was going to have her as his date, I wanted it to be me.

“What do you want?” I asked. “You name it, it’s yours.”

Again, she blinked at me, studying me. I didn’t mean for every word that came out of my mouth to sound like some sort of offer of sex. But if she took me up on any of those accidental offers, I’d jump on it. In fact, if being a gentleman would have her panting beneath me by the end of the night, I’d drive hours to get her the meal she wanted.

“A big, juicy burger,” she said. “With cheese. And bacon. And french fries.”

She licked her lips as though anticipating the taste of all the food she’d just mentioned. I licked my lips in anticipation of how her pussy would feel, wrapped around my cock.
