Page 28 of Kill For Her

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“You wanna walk around and help me look for her?” he asks. “I can’t just stand on this lawn all morning.”

I nod and grab my purse. “I only live a block away.”

Technically, my grandfather’s house is only a block away. None of my stuff is there yet, which means I don’t LIVE there yet. She could have climbed out her window and got scared. Maybe she’s just hiding somewhere. That’s the best case scenario.

“So tell me more about Bella.”

His hands are in his pockets. “She’s smart, but has trouble with math. I tutor her twice a week. My teenage years were spent in foster care and I wish I had someone like me back then. It seemed like the best way to give back to the community. Be there for kids that don’t have parents.”

“They have foster parents though.”

“Not the same thing. Sure, there are the occasional good set, but many aren’t that lucky. Lots of abusive assholes, or ones that are only in it for the monthly check.”

“You sound like you know firsthand. I’m so sorry.”

I knew he was in foster care as a child, but didn’t know it was that bad. Hearing that from him, it puts the hatred toward his father in perspective. He’s the reason he had to go through that. Poor Theo.

We get onto Jerry’s street, and stop in front of the house. “This is my house. Well, one of them.”

He eyes me. “One of them? Are you some secret billionaire?”

I laugh. “When my grandfather died, he left it to me. I haven’t officially moved in yet though.”

He smiles and shakes his head. “I learn more about you everyday, Felicity.”

The sun is starting to rise and I yawn. I’ve usually had another cup of coffee by now to keep me up for another few hours.

“You wanna come inside and get a cup of coffee before continuing the search? I won’t make it without it.”

He follows me to the door and I pull out the key. “Don’t mind the place. I’ll have to do some updating, but I grew up here.”

Without Theo with me, I’m not sure I could bear being in this house by myself. Too many memories. Good and bad. Just walking into the kitchen gives me flashbacks of my father on this very same floor.

I rummage through the cabinet and thankfully find some Kpods leftover. Thank god! I pop one in the Keurig and place a silver mug underneath. Theo checks out the house while I get the coffee ready.

“This study is perfect.” he raises his voice so I can hear from the kitchen.

“It’ll be my office when I start my business. Whatever it ends up being.”

I remove the silver and replace it with a black mug and a new pod for Theo.

Chills run up my spine and the house goes eerily silent. You’re safe. Theo’s here. I take a deep breath not letting the fear take me down. It’s this house. There is no way I am going to be able to live here. Unless I plan on just never sleeping again.

“Coffee is ready to go,” I say, walking out of the kitchen into the living room. The mugs fall to the ground.

“What’s wrong?” Theo asks.

Thomas comes out of the shadow behind him. He’s not alone. Bella is clutched to him, a stronghold around her torso.

“It’s lovely to see you again, Felicity. Honestly, I never thought our paths would cross until I found out about this little one. You like to keep secrets. And for that you’re going to pay,” he says waving around a knife.

Theo inches closer to me, shielding me from Thomas. “You’re not hurting either one of them.”

Bella’s cheeks are red, but pale streaks from the tears. “Please. Let me go!”

“You didn’t tell me I had a child. We could have been a family. Raised her together. But no! You sent me off to prison like a little bitch.”

Theo turns his head to me. “What is he talking about?”
