Page 53 of Taboo Perfect Storm

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Gasps fill the room. Between Kiplyn, Piper, and a few sweet butts who are standing in the distance eavesdropping. Doesn’t matter, though. It’s a real question. This bitch is not my wife. In fact, I don’t even know her real fucking name. I fucked her once.

“No, I won’t be. This baby is ours. I’m keeping it.”

Taking a step forward, I bend slightly and lean toward her. “Bitch,” I hiss, “I do not fucking know you. Put my dick inside of you once. I don’t know what you think that makes us, but it does not make me your man, or you my woman. I am not responsible for your shit. I don’t even know if that kid’s mine.”

“Let’s just stay calm. We got a few months before we’ll have any answers,” Legacy says, holding his hands up.

“Fuck that,” I snap. “It ain’t mine.”

Tempt takes a step forward. Her body is a bit too close to mine, but I don’t move. I stay where I am, my gaze on hers, unmoving, unbreathing, unblinking as I wait for whatever it is she’s going to say to me.

“You didn’t use a condom,” she states.

She ensures that she says it loud enough for everyone to hear, but her tone is gentle, so it’s not as if she’s shouting it out. She gets her fucking point across. Lifting my gaze from hers, I look at Duke, who is watching us.

“You brought her here, when you could have saved me this shit and just called me. What the fuck?” I ask.

His brows lift as he clears his throat, taking a step forward. He shakes his head once, his lips curved up into a smirk. “I do not own Tempt. She wanted to tell you in person. I had no clue there would be a goddamn audience. I also am not her keeper. Just like you’re sweet butts, she’s a free fucking woman.”

He’s right. Fuck. Forty-one-years-old, and I knocked up some bitch. This is the exact opposite of what I want. In fact, I could think of a million different ways I would have liked the news of a baby other than this.

“Well,” I grind out, shifting my attention back to Tempt. “What the fuck do you want?”

I watch as she smiles. It’s almost cartoonish it’s so large. I don’t know what the fuck she’s thinking. It doesn’t matter either. There is something rolling around in her head, and I’m fucking terrified of what it could be.

“I want to be taken care of. Completely.”

There is a commotion behind us, and I lift my head, looking up just in time to see Piper run out of the side door to the clubhouse.

Fucking shit.

I would like to think that because my wife is so young, I can talk her down from being upset. That she’ll get over it and shit will be good. But I have a feeling that of all the fucking bullshit that she’s been through, this could push her over the edge.

“Duke,” I roar. “Get this bitch out of my face,” I grind out.

Without waiting for him to drag Tempt away, I spin around and follow the path Piper took running away. It doesn’t take much to find her. She’s still running, although she hasn’t gone far. I call out her name, loud enough so I know she’s heard me.

She stops but doesn’t turn around to face me. I don’t blame her. I fucked up. Big time. But at the same time, I wasn’t married to her yet. She can’t be angry at me for long, not when I didn’t do anything wrong.

Walking up to her, I close the distance as I reach out and wrap my fingers around her shoulders. “Piper,” I call out.

She shrugs my hands away, then turns to face me. There are tears streaming down her face, her eyes are red, and her lips are puffy. The asshole inside of me wishes I could fuck her right here. She’s fucking beautiful even when she cries.

“It was before we were married, swear that shit,” I state.

Piper’s eyes don’t instantly dry up the way I wish they would. Instead, she presses her lips together and narrows her gaze on me, the water still falling down her cheeks. She takes a step backward, but she’s not so far away from me that I couldn’t reach out and grab her. Instinctually, that’s exactly what I want to do, but I refrain.

“We haven’t been married long enough for that, Kyle. I know how biology works.”

“You’re crying,” I point out.

She lifts her hand, wiping away the tears as she shakes her head a couple of times. “I am crying,” she says, agreeing with me. “My husband is possibly having a baby with some strange woman. My husband, who had sex with her without a condom, some random woman, and has had sex with me, and there’s been no protection, not from diseases and not from pregnancy.”

“We’ll get both of us tested for everything. It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

She shakes her head. “I’m glad that you think this is all okay. But I don’t.”

Reaching out, I wrap my fingers around the side of her throat, gripping her firmly there. I lean closer, my lips almost touching hers, before I speak. “It doesn’t matter what it is. You are my wife, Piper. That’s all, flower.”
