Page 71 of Taboo Perfect Storm

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Loadingthe shipment goes off without a hitch. We get all the shit in place, then drive straight for the Devil’s Hellions warehouse. Then we have to take the shit out, cut it, and package it back up. Because I’ll be damned if I give Raul clean product. Not at this point.

Thankfully, when we arrive at the warehouse, Agony is there waiting. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I ask after driving the car through the roll-up bay door.

Agony grunts. “I’m here to help you motherfuckers,” he states.

“Let’s do this,” Roadkill calls out.

We stay up the rest of the morning and get everything cut with the fentanyl then repackaged so it looks exactly the way it did when we picked it up.

“You ready?” I ask.

Roadkill grunts at the same time Agony grins. “We’re fucking ready,” Roadkill announces.

“I thought I would not like any part of this, but I didn’t mind. And honestly, I’m sick of this shit, the transporting and shit. I like the idea of going legit, and if this helps us do that, I’m glad to have helped,” Agony says.

My lips curve up into a grin as I clear my throat. Then I head toward the driver’s side and tug the door open. “Let’s get this shit done,” I grunt as I sink down into the seat.

Reaching out, I start the engine as Roadkill climbs into the car that will follow behind me and bring us back home. This car will stay with Raul, and I’ll come home with Roadkill in his.

“You coming?” I ask, looking at Agony.

He shifts from one foot to the other, then shakes his head once. “I’m going to go find a piece for a few hours.”

Without another word, he turns and walks away. I don’t ask him who he’s going to get a piece from. It’s not my fucking business, but it would be nice if he and Reese would just be fucking official. She practically lives down at the clubhouse anyway. He should just make her an old lady at this point.

Leaving the warehouse, I send a text message, then I drive straight toward Raul’s place. It won’t take me long to get there. I’m exhausted, but I’m ready to be done with this shit. Because the faster I get this handled, the sooner I can get that DNA test done.

It doesn’t take me long to reach Raul’s drop-off place. There are three men waiting, one of them being Dutch, and it takes everything inside of me not to take my gun out and pull the trigger right this very second.

I don’t do that.

I climb out of the car and toss the keys to the guard in front of the door. “There it is. Raul inside?”

“Yeah,” the man murmurs.

Walking past him, I slip into the warehouse and see Raul standing against the wall. He’s got his head tipped as he looks down at his phone.

“You needed this shipment immediately,” I call out as I approach him.

Raul lifts his head, his eyes finding mine, and his lips twitch into a smirk. “I did, and you delivered.”

“I did,” I say.

He jerks his chin toward me, then begins to move around the room. I stand in place, watching him, wondering what he’s up to. Something is definitely up, and I’m completely on edge as I watch him.

“Another bad batch would cause a war,” he announces.

“I’m sure,” I rasp.

I wait for him to ask about Piper, but he doesn’t seem to be worried about her. It’s better that way, because Dutch has already pissed me the fuck off when it comes to her. His phone call, his threat, it was too fucking much, and I’m ready to burn this whole bitch to the ground, with both of them locked inside.

He runs his fingers through his hair, stopping just a few feet in front of me. I watch as he faces me fully, his feet spread and braced for whatever the fuck he thinks is going to happen.

I have more control than he thinks I do, plus this place is surrounded by his men. I’m not going to start a damn thing.

Instead, I wait.

He walks around the car, his eyes searching the contents before he clears his throat and speaks. “Everything looks good,” he announces. As if I give a fuck.
