Page 89 of Taboo Perfect Storm

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“The girl?” Raul asks.

“She is safe.”

His words don’t mean dick to me. I would say that someone is safe, too, even if they weren’t. Raul asks for an address, and Chavez obliges, saying he’ll text this number with it, then ends the call.

Before I can say a single word, Legacy turns to me. “We do that while Raul works on Tempt.”

My lips twitch into a smile. “You think there is more?” I ask.

Legacy chuckles. “Brother, there is always more.”

He’s not wrong. There is usually always more. Taking the cellphone with the texted address, I type it into my Google Maps, then hit directions. “I’m going to get my wife,” I announce.

“Itch,” Raul calls out. Turning my head, I look back at him. “Be careful.”

Leaving the men, I think about those words.Be careful. It’s not me I’m worried about or that anyone else should be worried about, especially Raul. Shouldn’t he be concerned about his fucking sister, his sister who was given to this man who runs whores?

What the actual, fuck?

Shaking my head, I climb onto my bike, start the engine, tear the fuck out of this goddamn desert, and head straight toward my woman.


Once I’m showered, I slip on the plush white robe and sink my teeth into my bottom lip as I reach for the bedroom door handle. Exhaling, I pull it open then take a hesitant step out into the hallway.

The apartment is silent. There is not a single sound that alerts me to the presence of this man anywhere in this place. Tiptoeing down the hall, I stop when I reach the living room. Straining to hear something, anything.

But there is still silence.

“You look as if you’re feeling better,” a voice calls out from the kitchen.

Jumping, I spin around and see him standing in front of the countertop with his hip leaning against the edge. He’s handsome. His blond hair is clipped close to the side and longer at the top. He’s got it slicked back, his blue eyes focused on mine and his thin lips curved up into a grin.

“What is happening here?” I ask.

“Your brother thought I would pay for you, even though he owed me more favors than he could count.”

“Okay…” I say, still unsure of what the fuck he’s talking about.

“I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with you exactly until I saw you,” he continues. “The minute I laid eyes on you, I knew what I was going to use you for.”

I don’t say anything. Instead, I just stare at him and wait for whatever he’s going to announce. I have a feeling, judging by the way he killed my brother and just his association with Dutch, that whatever it is he’s about to say, I’m not going to like at all.

“You are going to be one of my girls.”

He says those words as if I’m supposed to be in awe and grateful for them. I’m not. Not only am I not in awe or grateful for anything he’s just said, but I’m also terrified of what he means.

“I’m married,” I state.

He lets out a laugh. “Seems your husband wasn’t so good at keeping you protected if an idiot like Dutch could snap you up.”

He’s not wrong.

However, that doesn’t negate the fact that I am, indeed, married to Itch. “Whatever the case is, that doesn’t erase my marriage.”

The man leans forward, placing his palms on the countertop as he sucks in a breath. “It may not erase it, but because of who you’ve been contracted to, nobody will come looking for you.”
