Page 92 of Taboo Perfect Storm

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A new hell.


The building is fancy; it’s cool and tall. I have no fucking clue what we’re doing here. I expected to go to a home, yet here I am, at a goddamn office building, as if this is some kind of fancy merger or some shit. But here I am, taking an elevator up to the goddamn top floor.

The place appears to be empty, but I know without a doubt that it’s not. I can feel the eyes on me as I move through the place, and when I step out of the elevator, they’re there again.

I have no doubt that there is someone watching every single step we take, and they’re ready to jump out of the wings in case we step out of line.

Once we reach the end of the hallway, we turn toward the door. I know that Chavez is behind that door and waiting. I just don’t know if Piper is as well. I fucked up with her, royally, and when I get her back, I’m going to make sure it never happens again.

Not fucking ever.

“Tempt?” I ask, turning to Duke.

“Raul said he got everything out of her. There’s nothing left.”

Tempt had quite a bit to say once Raul went back to her after finding Dutch dead in the middle of the desert. He questioned her. He tortured her. He found out that this had been planned for weeks.

Dutch wanted Piper back all along, mainly because he had promised her to Chavez. He was going to make some good money off her after Cyrus trained her. The training was never completed, but that didn’t mean that Chavez didn’t want her still.

Tempt was one of Duke’s girls, had been for a while, but during their dealings, she and Dutch got close, and he talked her into doing this favor. Tempt only cared about two things—security and clout. She wanted to be queen bitch, and she wanted that station to be forever.

Being an old lady, even if you’re divorced, is forever. You’ll always be taken care of by the club, you’ll always have money and a place to live. It’s why brothers don’t take just anyone to be their old lady. But she had Dutch, too, a second security.

She had a fucking plan, except it all backfired, and now she and Dutch are both fucking dead. Living with the consequences of their actions. And me? I’m stuck here trying to pick up the pieces and get my own goddamn wife and old lady back.

Legacy looks back at me, his fingers wrapped about the doorknob. “Do not fuck this up. We are trying to get Piper back and walk out of here in one piece. Chavez is a big player.”

I honestly don’t give a flying fuck who this guy is, but I’m going to try my best not to fuck this up for my wife because I am not walking out of here without her by my side. Legacy pushes open the door and walks through, Roadkill, Duke, and Agony coming close behind, then me.

When my gaze lifts, my eyes find hers. She’s sitting at a conference table, with him next to her. But I don’t see him. I couldn’t give a fuck about him at all. She is the only thing I see. She’s perfect, gorgeous, but she’s wearing a red dress, and she did not leave the clubhouse in a fucking red dress.

I take a step forward. My anger at the fact she’s been naked between the clubhouse and now, and I don’t know what the fuck happened to her, takes over. Agony and Roadkill wrap their hands around my biceps to keep me from charging forward.

“Welcome,” Chavez announces. “Have a seat. It seems we have some things to discuss.”

“No shit,” I grind out.

Chavez’s lips curve up into a grin, and he lets out a laugh as he lifts his hand that’s curled around a glass of booze. This place is fancy, he’s dressed to the nines, and maybe in a different world, I would look up to someone like him.

Except I’ve known men like him for decades. They’re piles of shit dressed in fancy clothes. They aren’t anything special, and he is no different.

We all move forward as one unit, except we don’t all sit down. Legacy, Duke, and I tug out chairs and sink down. Roadkill and Agony stand behind us.

I don’t know if it’s because they can’t sit down, don’t want to sit, or want to be ready for whatever comes next, but I’m glad. I feel a lot more comfortable with my men at my back.

“It seems you believe that I have something that belongs to you, but I contest this,” Chavez begins. “Dutch promised her to me before she was contracted. She was sent to Cyrus to be trained specifically for me. Therefore, I should be the angry one as you’ve no doubt sullied what would have been a spectacular money maker.”

The way he speaks about my wife makes me want to murder him right here and now. I hold back, though only barely. Sucking in a breath, I hold it as I stare at him. If I could do what I wanted, he’d be dead, and Piper would already be on the back of my bike and headed back to Casa Grande.

“What do you suggest? Because their marriage is legally binding,” Legacy asks.

Chavez doesn’t look at Legacy. He’s already figured out that I am Piper’s man. His attention is focused on me and only me. He tilts his head to the side, his lips curved up into a smart-ass-looking smirk.

“What will you give me for her? She may be ruined, but she will still make a lot of money. She’s young, beautiful, and partially trained. It wouldn’t be hard to finish her training.”

“Give you?” Legacy asks. “I couldn’t imagine I have anything you would want. We’re an MC. We are not in the skin trade. What the fuck do you want?” he demands.
