Page 98 of Taboo Perfect Storm

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Lifting my head from her breast, I shift my hand from between her legs, and she straightens, a whimper escaping her mouth. Smiling, I clear my throat before jerking my chin toward the bed. “You don’t come unless it’s around my cock tonight.”

She slides her tongue out, tasting her lips as she nods her head. I watch her climb onto the bed, then slowly remove my clothes. Wrapping my hand around my cock, I stroke myself a couple of times, squeezing once before I let my hand drop.

Following behind her, I move up the bed, crawling between her legs. Piper slides her hands up my arms, then grips my biceps as she looks up at me. Aligning myself with her center, I slowly sink inside of her until I’m rooted deep into her body.

She lifts her legs, wrapping them around my waist. I place my palms beside her head and look into her eyes. Home. I am home. This is where I fucking belong. There is no other place for me, no other woman. Something I didn’t even believe was possible.

One woman.

One man.

One life together.

It seemed improbable for me, and yet here I am, here she is—here we are.

“I love you, Piper,” I rasp as I lower my head, touching my mouth to hers.

Moving inside of her, I show her just how deep that love goes. When she comes, she rips her mouth from mine, a cry escaping and bouncing off the walls around us. My orgasm slams into me, my own roar filling the room.

And then there is silence.

Our panting breaths are the only true sound.

Until she speaks.

“I love you, too, Kyle. I never thought that love would be for me, that it was out of my reach. But here it is, right here in front of me, and you’re giving it to me. Thank you.”

Instead of responding to her with words, I slam my mouth against hers. Her arms wrap around me, and she holds me close. If I could actually melt into her body, become one with her, I would.

This woman, she is everything. Words do not express the gratitude that we made it out of all that shit and to the other side. We survived every fucking thing that life threw at us, and now we get to thrive, because I refuse to allow one more hardship to ever cross her path. I will work my fingers to the bone to make her life easy from this moment onward.

Every minute of every day, Piper will always breathe easily.




There’sa noise in Kiplyn’s little room. It sounds as if she dropped something, which isn’t out of the ordinary in this stage of her pregnancy. I’ve noticed that she keeps dropping things and then having to ask for help to pick them up. I don’t mind it at all; in fact, I kind of like being extra useful.

“Are you okay?” I call out.

I’ve got a rag that’s been doused in bleach in my hand, and I hold it suspended in the air as I wait for her response.


I wait for one more breath. There is no sound. Nothing comes from her room. With a frown, I toss the rag into the sink, wash my hands quickly to get the bleach off them, and run toward the back room. It’s just us this evening. Reese is somewhere, her whereabouts completely unknown, as has been her mode of operation lately.

Rushing toward Kiplyn’s room, I push the door open and stop dead in my tracks. There’s blood. She’s bent over, one of her arms wrapped around her belly, her other hand gripping the edge of the counter.

Taking a tentative step forward, I reach out and touch her shoulder. “Kiplyn?” I ask on a whisper. “Do I need to call an ambulance?”

She lifts her head, her eyes finding mine, tears swimming in them before she speaks. “Call Rusk,” she hisses.

“How about I call an ambulance and then Rusk?”

She whimpers, no words coming out as she nods and tears fall from her eyes. Then I hear her whisper, “I think something is wrong.”
