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“This is my fault, isn’t it?”

Silence again.

God, this whole conversation is pissing me off. “Justin,” I snap.

“Fine,” he grinds out. “It was Douglas. He fucking bested me and beat the shit out of me. Do you know that I feel like a gigantic fucking pussy right now?”

“Don’t,” I whisper. “He’s smart and a mean asshole,” I grind out. “He’s probably been watching you for weeks and planned the whole thing.”

“I am a prospect for an MC,” he says.

It’s obvious that he’s angry about this and feels completely defeated, but he shouldn’t feel any kind of way. Douglas is insanely tenacious and intelligent.

“And Douglas has been stalking, controlling, and abusing people for well over a decade. He’s a professional, Justin.”

“I didn’t tell him anything, but he’s close, babe. You got a plan?”

I grin at him. I can’t believe I found a whole new group of people who care about me. Some people don’t ever find one set of friends who are so considerate. I’ve found two.

“I’m on my way to that plan right now.”

“Good. You’ll keep us posted? I’ll let Charley know.”

Licking my lips, I sink my teeth into my bottom lip. I feel bad that I’ve left the bar. He’s not just short-staffed; he’s no-staffed. I open my mouth to say just that when Justin must read my mind because he lets out a chuckle.

“I’ll be back to work tomorrow. There is nothing for you to be sorry about.”

I don’t know what else to say. I want to tell him that I’m sorry, but he already knows I am. So instead, I suck in a breath and let it out slowly. I’m approaching Casa Grande, and I’ll need to pay attention to the streets because I don’t know exactly where this place is, and I don’t have GPS on this cheap-ass phone.

“Please call me on this number if anything else happens,” I murmur.

“Keep me updated. You don’t have to call me, but I would like a text to know you’re safe.”

“Proof of life?” I ask.

“That shit is not even funny.”

I end the call after saying goodbye, realizing that my joke wasnotfunny at all. In fact, it was basically horrifying because the reality is that this man could very easily kidnap me, and nobody would know where I was or even go looking for me.

Pulling up in front of the safe house, I glance around to ensure that there are no cars anywhere near me. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t followed. The house appears to be dark, and I wonder if Logan is even inside.

I open the door, slip out, and walk to the trunk, taking my bag out before slamming it down, then make my way toward the front door. The very dark front door. I’m not sure if I should ring the bell or just try to walk inside.

Flicking my eyes toward the numbers, I double-check to ensure I’m at the right place when my phone buzzes in my hand. I shift my attention to my phone, slide my thumb across the screen, and look at the text message.

It’s from Logan.


I guess I’m in the right place. Reaching out, I wrap my fingers around the knob and twist it as I push the door open. I don’t call out to him. Instead, I drop my bag in the foyer, then lock the door behind me before I begin to move into the living room.

I see a shadow of a man standing with his back to me. He’s facing the open window, and I almost shout at him to close the blinds, but then I realize it isn’t Logan. No, the man standing with his back to me is taller than my brother by at least four inches, maybe more.

He turns around, and the breath escapes from my body.

“Reese,” he says, his voice thick and deep all at the same time.

I am frozen.
