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“You ladies will go home to your husbands as soon as the deal is done,” Christopher announces.

I can hear the collective sighs of relief behind me, but I’m under no illusion that he’s lumped me in with any of the old ladies behind me. I am not the same as them. I am not free the way I wish I were. The way Lance assured me that I would be.

It was a dream. It was not reality.

The reality is that I am not free. I never have been, and I didn’t realize until all of this happened why. My brother. My own brother has done all of this to me. He’s made sure Douglas always knew where to find me.

“Did Logan sell me to Douglas?” I ask.

Douglas flinches, his entire body jerking slightly as he continues to look at his feet. “Douglas?” Christopher asks. “No, Reese. Logan did not sell you to Douglas,” he replies before he leans over slightly. “He sold you tome. Douglas was supposed to train you and hand you over. We see how well that turned out. Years later, and you’re pregnant with another man’s baby.”

I don’t ask him what happened, why Douglas didn’t hand me over. I’m only thankful and grateful he didn’t. Christopher is more sophisticated and handsome than Douglas, but he’s also terrifying. I can tell that this man is powerful and cruel just by the look in his eyes.

The way Douglas submits to him tells me all I need to know. I start to ask him what happens to me now, but I decide against it. I don’t think I want to know his plans for me.

I am going to try to avoid ever learning them.

“And Reese?” Kiplyn asks.

I’m shocked she’s spoken up. It’s not normally like her to say anything at all. Christopher’s lips curve up into a grin. “She may be a little worse for wear, but I purchased Reese, and I have invested in her. Whatever is wrong with her can be fixed and undone. She will be what I wish her to be. It will just take a little longer. I’m patient.”

He may be patient, but I’m not going to wait around to find out. I’m going to get out of this one way or another. I thought Douglas was bad, but I have a feeling he doesn’t hold a candle to this man.



I’m packed and loaded.No matter where I reach, what pocket I stick my hand into, there is a weapon. I am not leaving this shit without a fight.

Sucking in a deep breath, I climb onto my bike. The men around me are quiet as well, no doubt thinking the same things I am. Working out the whole ordeal in my head, I try to think of all the different scenarios that could result from this meeting.

The only scenarios that I will accept are all the women being released, every single one, and all of the fucks behind this entire operation dead.

That is the only acceptable ending to this night. Dead bodies, none of which belong to our side of the operation. I start my bike’s engine, it roars to life, and I pull out onto the roadway that leads to the club’s exit.

Legacy and Roadkill move their bikes in front of me, and Itch brings up the rear. Volt and Hellcat are somewhere in the mix, along with all the other men, Charley, Justin, Duke and Bond. We make our way straight toward the warehouse.

We have women to transport. Logan has already ensured us there will be a truck ready to haul the women to the transfer site. All he needs is one of us to drive it, although I’m not sure why. That, in and of itself, is fishy as fuck.

As we ride up to the warehouse, I look around to ensure there aren’t any extra cars around. There is one SUV and the truck. Everything appears to be exactly how it’s meant to be. Once I’ve parked, I throw my leg over the seat and make my way toward the door.

Legacy and Roadkill have already slipped inside, but I want to take it all in as well. Anger bubbles inside of me at the sight of Logan. He’s chatting with Diaz, and if I could kill them both right this moment, I would. But I have to wait.


I am trying hard to have patience, but right now, at the sight of Logan, I am holding on to it by a fucking thread. I ball my hand into a fist, hold it to my side, and bite the inside of my cheek as Legacy and Duke do all of the talking.

I don’t miss how Logan’s gaze finds its way over to me more than once. Arching a brow, I smirk at him, tilting my head to the side as I stare and hopefully make him feel as uncomfortable as fucking possible.

“Load them up chained to one another, and they should be good for the transport. It’s not far. The next warehouse is ready and waiting,” Logan says, his eyes focused and never leaving mine.

I can’t look away from him either. I am focused on this man. This man, who is supposed to be Reese’s brother, has done nothing but ruin her goddamn life.

“Logan,” I call out after he’s finished giving his instructions and the men begin gathering women and chaining them to one another, naked. It’s a gruesome fucking scene.

Logan jerks his chin in my direction, but he doesn’t approach. Instead, he stands several feet away as if he’s scared of me. I don’t know why he would be scared of me, the piece of shit.

He only made me believe I was protecting Reese when, in reality, he was going to tell Douglas where she was no matter what.
