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Nobody comes.

I’m not sure how long I bang against the door, but I continue until my hands ache. Until they hurt. Only then do I stop. I suck in a breath. My entire body shakes violently as I come to the realization, the truth, that I am going to die in here.

Me and my baby.



When the gunfire ends, I watch as Hellcat rushes toward Thunder. He lifts his hands to her face and slams his mouth against hers. Not only is it an owning kiss, but it’s also public. It’s as good of a declaration as any. She’s his.

I need to find Reese. Nobody is alive to ask. Douglas is dead, Christopher is dead, and I have no Reese. Moving through the men, I watch as some of the brothers unchain and move the women. Thankfully, none of them are hurt, and the men load them back up into the truck.

Dead bodies litter the floor, that is, until I come across Logan. He’s alive, crawling away. Making my way toward him, I reach down and curl my fingers in the back of his T-shirt before I pick him up off the ground. Spinning him around, I wrap my fingers around the front of his throat as I look into his eyes.

“Where are your friends?” I ask. His eyes widen, and he looks around. “Your feds? Where the fuck are they?” I demand.

He doesn’t say anything. There is nothing but silence. This is the confirmation I needed to know it was all bullshit. Fucking asshole. I reach around his body to grab the envelope in his back pocket. This money is the club’s now.

“Where is your sister?” I demand.

“Fuck you,” he grinds out.

Dropping the money to my feet, I reach for the knife on my waist and squeeze his throat tighter as I lift my other hand and point the knife below his eyeball. I’m taking him the fuck out. Logan is going to take all my anger because he’s the only one still alive.

“Where the fuck is your sister?” I growl.

He smiles. He doesn’t say a single fucking word. I push the knife farther into his face. He whimpers, but he doesn’t tell me where she is. And for whatever reason, the asshole dies without a single word.

Logan could have been a good brother, tough as fucking nails, but he had to be a piece of shit instead. Releasing his throat, I watch as he drops to the ground in a pile of bones and flesh. Leaning down, I pick up the envelope and shove it into the inside pocket of my cut.

Then I go in search of Reese.

She’s here somewhere... I know it.



There is stillnothing but silence. I decide to try one more time. My hands are still in fists from the last round, so I begin to pound them against the door. This time, I cry out. I’m desperate. I need to be let out of this small, dark room. I need to breathe.

Screaming, I bang against the door until I hear something, so I scream even louder, my voice hoarse and my throat in pain.

Then it opens.


When I open my eyes, the brightness of the room is a little too much, and I have to squint in order to see the man in front of me.

As my eyes adjust, I pray it’s not Christopher, and I let out a sigh of relief at finding it’s Lance crouching down in front of me. Before he can say a single word, I launch myself toward him, wrap my arms around his neck, and bury my face there before I begin to sob.

He wraps his arms around my body and gathers me up, his ass hitting the floor as he pulls me against him and into his lap. I don’t let go. My arms tighten around him, my sobs causing my entire body to shake uncontrollably.

One of his hands lifts, and he uses it to smooth my hair, shushing me as he does. I try to calm myself down, but I’m a mess.

A complete fucking mess.

He hums, rocking slightly, then he grips my hair and tugs it back gently to expose my face to him. I know I look awful. My face is likely splotchy and swollen as I look up at him. He smiles.
