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“Do we pay your ex a visit or her father?” I ask.

“She stays at home most nights,” he chuckles.

“Both, then.”



Stretching,I wonder if last night was a dream, then I realize it wasn’t. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip and wonder if I should call Allison, but then realize that it’s eight in the morning. There is no way at all whatsoever that she’s awake yet.

Pushing myself up, I scoot back and rest my back against the headboard. The sun is shining brightly into my room, something that has become a habit of mine, leaving the curtains open so I can be woken by the sun.

I think I started doing it after my parents died. The anxiety that fills me at being in a dark place is just a little too consuming. So, open windows, moonlight that turns to sunshine, it’s something I don’t think I could do without now. I can’t imagine sleeping in the dark, even though I have automatic blackout curtains on every window in my condo.

Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I stretch again before I stand. The floor is warm, the wood being the absolute best choice when I was choosing materials during the remodel after I purchased the condo a few years ago.

I make my way to the bathroom to take care of business, wash my hands and face, put some moisturizer on, brush my hair, and then put it up in a messy bun before I head out of the bathroom and toward the kitchen.

I wonder if I should go down to the café for coffee but then decide against it because I don’t want to get dressed quite yet. Plus, if Allison calls, we’ll just go down there together.

Walking over to my Keurig, I grab a pod from the drawer beneath it and pop it in. I always leave a coffee cup beneath the machine now. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been so exhausted from lack of sleep the night before and started the damn thing with no cup.

With a heavy sigh, I move through the kitchen, gathering creamer from the fridge and collagen powder from the pantry and setting up my little station. I do this pretty much every morning. I don’t know if the collagen powder really does anything, but I’m not taking any chances of not using it either.

Once my drink is made, I walk out onto the small balcony that looks out over the city. Sinking down on the chair, I bring my legs up, holding my mug in front of my shins, and rest my chin on my knees.

It’s calm.

Serene even.

It’s also a bit stifling, but I don’t mind the heat and humidity. I’m used to it. This is and always has been home for me. The sounds of the city are below me, but it’s not chaotic the way people would think. It’s calming.

At least, it is to me.

Lifting my head, I bring the mug to my lips and test the temperature of the drink. Perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, exactly the way I love it. Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh and just breathe, taking in the moment.

Until I feel it again.

My eyes pop open, and I glance around. I look down at the street, but everyone there is walking by and not paying attention to me. Lifting my gaze, I take in the buildings around me, but there would be no way to know if someone was watching me because they all have one-way mirror windows the way I do in my building.

I don’t know who is watching me or where they are, but I can feel their eyes on me. Again, it doesn’t necessarily scare me, but it’s unnerving. I don’t want to be watched. I don’t want anyone to stalk me. But if someone is going to do it… at least I don’t feel scared out of my brain…yet.

My cell phone rings inside the house, and I jump, holding my coffee out. I let out a sigh of relief when it doesn’t spill all over me. Turning slightly, I set it down on the table and stand before I hurry inside to answer the call.

It’s Allison.

I pick the phone up, slide my finger across the screen, then hold the device to my ear. “Meet me for brunch ASAP,” she shouts before I can even offer her a greeting.

She doesn’t sound hurt or scared but excited. “Is this a good brunch?” I ask.

“The best,” she says with a squeal. “Moxies in thirty.”

I love Moxies, so I’m not mad about the demand to meet there. Their brunch is amazing, and I’m more than willing to leave my condo for that. Even though I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to today. But Allison sounds way too excited to wait on this, so I hurry and change, then rush to my car.


