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When nothing happens, I open one eye as I watch him. He is focused on me, his cocoa eyes sparkling with mischief. Then his thumb presses against my clit and he begins to rub it in circles.

“Wells,” I exhale.

He hums, his thumb continuing to move in circles over and over. Jerking my hips, I lift them slightly as my body climbs toward a climax. I feel heat building from the inside out. My belly squeezes and then twists.

I can’t believe this is happening. That this is real. I’m about to have sex for the first time with a man who has been essentially stalking me. A complete stranger. And I can’t wait. I’m excited.

I want this.

I want him.

I’m so close I’m ready to fall over the edge and succumb to my orgasm when I feel an intrusion between my legs. It isn’t slow. One swift thrust, and he’s completely inside of me. His hand is still between my legs, his thumb drawing circles against my clit, and I’m not sure whether I should moan or cry out in pain.

I suck in a deep breath, holding it as tears fill my eyes, but I don’t allow them to fall. Instead, I blink them away. His eyes are on mine, his thumb working between my legs, and he’s buried deep inside of me, his entire body still as he allows me to adjust to his invasion.

I’m not sure there’s any adjusting to him inside of me. It feels like I’m being ripped apart into a million different pieces. The way his thumb touches my clit, circling it rhythmically, makes me close my eyes. I hold my breath. My muscles are tight, and I try not to whimper, but I fail.

“Breathe through it,” he grinds out.

Pressing my lips together, I inhale deeply through my nose and slowly let it out of my mouth. Wells shifts his body weight to one hand, the hand between my legs leaving me, and I instantly wish it could come back. Then I feel his fingers wrap around the back of my knee, hitching my leg up and tugging it around his hip.

I cry out. My center feels as if it’s been ripped in two at the shift. He growls, definitely not feeling the same way as me. He lets out another growl, then a moan, and my whole body jerks beneath his.

“Open your eyes, Parker.”

I don’t.

His hand wraps around the front of my throat, and he squeezes. With a gasp, I open my eyes. My lips are parted, and I try to breathe, but I can’t. He’s squeezing too tightly.

“Keep them open, yeah?”

I try to nod, but his hold on me is too tight. He shifts his hand, his fingers still very much applying pressure to my throat. His thumb slides across my bottom lip, then he shifts his head closer and touches his lips to mine before he releases his grasp on my neck. But he doesn’t completely remove his hand. He keeps his fingers there as a reminder.

His hips move, pulling almost completely out of me before he slides back inside. I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like, but it hurts. If he notices me wince, he doesn’t seem to be bothered. He does it again.

By the third roll of his hips, it doesn’t feel like I’m going to be ripped completely apart.

Then he slides his thumb across my jawline and stops at the underside of my chin, applying pressure there as he forces my head back slightly. “You’re perfect,” he rasps as his hips begin to move harder and faster.

My breath hitches.

He starts to move so hard that it sends shots of pain throughout my entire body. It hurts, and I want to tell him to stop, but at the same time, I don’t want him to. I am so confused. I don’t understand what’s happening right now. I know I should want him to stop because it hurts, but I don’t want him to stop because that hurt also feels different.

“Wells,” I whimper.

He doesn’t speak. His fingers tighten again, and his mouth touches mine while he moves hard and fast. I can’t breathe, I can’t move, I can’t do anything except feel—everything. When my belly tingles, when it tightens and twists, I know I am close to an orgasm, and I’m more confused than ever.

It doesn’t just roll through me. It slams into me. It consumes me. Opening my mouth, I try to scream, but nothing comes out, mainly because his fingers tighten again, cutting off my airway. Then he stills above me. My eyes are focused on his, and his on me, and he roars as I feel his cum empty inside of me.

Ohmigod. Ohmigod. Ohmigod.




