Page 143 of Empress of Fae

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“When you’re my wife, you can pick up after me every day,” he said with a sneer as he watched me. “Milady.”

“No, thank you.” I stood upright, clutching my poor book, and began to turn away from him.

Before I could take a step, a hand wound through my hair, wrapping the tendrils around it and holding me in place.

I refused to show how much it hurt. Fenyx gave another sharp tug, yanking me backwards against him.

Then the Lord General’s voice was in my ear again, sending waves of revulsion over my skin.

“Arthur rewards those who are loyal. He rewards them with gifts. You, Morgan, are nothing more than gift. A gift that will be granted to me. Never for one second forget that. From today forward, you are mine.”

“Over my dead body,” I breathed.

He chuckled. “Dead would be no fun. You’ll live in the manner I choose, in the way I see fit.”

“You’re truly charming. But you’re completely delusional if you think I’d ever marry you.”

He seemed unimpressed by my words. “You’re a woman. Mere chattel. Especially as the king’s sister. Beautiful chattel, yes, but a pawn. To be given or taken away from the man your brother deems worthy.”

I longed to tell him to his face how unworthy I thought he and Arthur were. But once again, I said nothing.

My defiance, he clearly expected.

Outright treasonous words, on the other hand, could get me killed.

So I swallowed them down.

Fenyx released me. My scalp ached, but I didn’t lift a hand to touch it. I simply turned and walked away as slowly as I could manage, feeling his eyes on me the entire time.

I’d hoped my uncle would be waiting for me in my bed chamber. But when I entered, the room was quiet.

I tossed my library book onto the bed. It had an interesting-looking chapter on exmoors I’d planned to read later, but after the encounter in the corridor, I suddenly couldn’t stand the sight of it.

Curling my hands into fists, I moved towards the entrance to the passage by the hearth.

I couldn’t leave Lancelet to Arthur’s whims. With or without my uncle, I had to do something now.

But when I reachedthe dungeons, Lancelet’s cell was already empty.

The cells on either side of hers were vacant, too.

I prowled back and forth in the narrow passageway behind the rows of cells, unable to believe my eyes.

What now? I couldn’t exactly go and demand to know Lancelet’s whereabouts from Arthur or Fenyx.

Perhaps Orcades would know... But I dismissed the thought. I didn’t think she and Arthur exactly shared plans.

But if I told her what Fenyx had said, if I told her what I had found in the library...

No, I decided. I needed to think it over first, at least overnight. Orcades might be my sister, but I still had no real idea just how far I could trust her.

I needed to talk to my uncle.

But barring that, I needed to talk to my mate.
