Page 162 of Empress of Fae

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The cheers of the crowdwere shattered as the arrow found its mark, piercing sharp as a serpent's fang into Lancelet's left shoulder. Disbelief filled her face. Then she crumpled to the sand.

Horror was written across the faces of those who had witnessed her triumph mere moments ago as the tableau below them turned to tragedy before their eyes.

Then hope took root.

Among the sea of faces, a familiar figure caught my eye. A young woman with short, curly, brown hair had stood up and thrown back her hood defiantly.

She turned to her left, and a few rows down, I saw a tall, resolute young man with ebony skin stand tall.

In a chorus that carried above the tumult of the crowd, Guinevere and Galahad raised their voices.

I was too far away to hear just what they’d said, but around them, others began to quickly come forward. Rebels emerged from among the crowd like hidden stars revealing themselves in a dark night, tossing back hoods and cloaks to expose the knives, bows and quivers they carried.

Around me, those in the royal pavilion began to stir with faint alarm.

But it was far too late. The rebels pointed their bows upwards towards the pavilion.

Arrows soared through the air.

I was still standing motionless when Orcades yanked me down onto the floor beside her.

Our eyes met. "Hide your happiness, Sister, or it will be the last thing you feel," she hissed at me. I nodded mutely.

Chaos was spreading out around us. Screams went up as arrows hit some of the nobles in the seats towards the back.

Arthur's guards were shouting, “Protect the king! To the king! To the queen!”

As more guards stormed into the pavilion, Orcades was swiftly lifted up and pulled away.

I glanced up from my hiding place to see Fenyx standing over me. Pulling me impatiently to my feet, he paused to look out at the arena, then let out a roar of anger.

I followed his gaze and my heart soared. Rebels were pulling Lancelet's body away.

Excalibur, however, they left behind in the sand.

Bolting down the steps, Fenyx dragged me through the pandemonium. The king's carriage had already departed. Around us, the panicked crowd was fleeing. I caught sight of soldiers engaging with some of the rebels as they retreated.

Fenyx threw me into the next waiting carriage and slapped it on its side.

The carriage rolled off, taking me with it, as, behind me, Arthur's veneer of invincibility crumbled like a fragile facade.

As the carriage cameto a halt in the bailey of the castle, the door was pulled open from the outside. I was only slightly surprised to see Tyre standing there, a worried expression on his round face.

“My dear, I’ve heard the news.” He helped me step down from the carriage.

As my feet hit the cobblestones, I nearly keeled forward.

Tyre gripped my arm gently.

“I’m sorry.” I shook my head, suddenly aware of how dizzy and weak I had become.
