Page 82 of Empress of Fae

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But at least now I knew where they were taking her.



“The time approaches...Will you be ready?”

The voice was ancient. Male. Distinctly royal. The voice of a powerful being who did not ask questions he did not already know the answers to.

Nevertheless, there was a pause.

A disapproving awareness filled the room.

When the young man finally answered, his voice was rebelliously, dangerously sullen.

“Preparations continue. I have told you this already. I...”


The word was as heavy as a boulder slamming down on the wings of a bird.

“You will be ready. You have failed me once before.”

“That was no failure, I...”


A gagging sound. The sullen young man grasped at his throat, clawing for a voice that had vanished and for breath that had fled.

“Yes. This suits you much better.” The royal voice was tinged with amusement. “Panic does you no credit. I already know you for the measly worm that you are. Now listen, worm, and live.” A pause. “Youshallbe ready. You know what needs to be done. I have waited long enough. A second failure on your part will not be tolerated.”

The contact was broken.

The young man’s hands slipped from his throat as breath suddenly swelled once again through his lungs and air flowed in through his mouth in a choked gasp.

He was still alive. For now.
