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“I’m honored to be on your team,” she tried to tease.

Some of the sparkle dimmed from his blue eyes. He eased closer, and she smelled the unique cedar and mint combination that messed with her brain waves.

“What kind of team are we going to be, beautiful Madeline?” His gaze was piercing. He lifted a hand and gently cupped her chin.

Madeline’s eyes widened and her pulse skittered. Could this happen? Her and King Nolan?

She glanced away to get her bearings when all she wanted to do was arch up and press her lips to his. Two tall, broad men at the end of the hall cast furtive glances their way.

“Oh. I didn’t realize …”

Nolan followed her gaze and let out a resigned breath. He released her face but slid his hand down her arm until he engulfed her smaller hand in his. Her arm and hand tingled, and she felt lightheaded with dreams and hopes she’d never let herself dwell on. Even slightly dizzy from his touch, she was somehow stronger than ever with her hand in his. Team Madeline and Nolan.

They walked down the hall together, and Nolan nodded to his guards. “Madeline, this is Captain Levi Favor and Sergeant Braxton Mueller.”

“I know Levi.” She smiled at the young man who worked closely with Chad.

“Good to see you, Ms. Prescott,” the dark-haired man said.

“You as well. Nice to meet you, Sergeant Mueller.”

The broad man nodded. Obviously the strong, silent type.

“These two used to be my favorite hiking buddies,” Nolan said. “But now I have you. An impressive upgrade, right, Captain?” The look in his eyes thrilled her.

“Yes, sir.” Captain Levi had a twinkle in his dark eyes.

“I only hope I can keep up with all of you,” Madeline said. She loved to jog and swim, but she lived in Traverse and ran the river trail in the morning and swam in the evening. She didn’t head to the mountains to hike and give herself an incline challenge very often.

“I’m sure you’ll lead the way,” Nolan said.

She laughed.

Nolan directed her down the stairs and within minutes, they were on a trail heading through thick trees at a steep incline. The morning air was brisk and the scenery picturesque. The sun rose and danced through the trees. Levi and Sergeant Braxton stayed just behind them. At first it was awkward to converse with her panting for air and the two men close by but not participating. Especially as Levi had come to her home with Chad on several occasions. Would he report back to his major about Chad’s mum flirting with the king? Guards constantly shadowing the king had to be annoying at times.

Eventually the trail mellowed out. She caught her breath and relaxed, and she and Nolan chatted like old friends. Theywereold friends, but there was a definite spark between them now. She didn’t know what to make of it, or if she dared act on it. She had to slow down and focus on the assignment she’d been sent here to do. Maybe after she cleared his name, she and Nolan could talk about dating. A slow, controlled dating. One date a month to keep things from progressing too quickly like they had with Bradford, and to make it easier on General Ray to provide security. Maybe after a few years, she could let herself fall for him and know she wasn’t simply falling too fast like she had with her husband.

She and Nolan spoke mostly of their children, but they also discussed some of the issues with improving education, offering more advanced degrees at the university, and what her thoughts were on Prime Minister Carrera. She’d been impressed with the man. He seemed level-headed, and she believed he had Augustine’s best interests at heart. She agreed with Nolan that he was ‘no Henry Shule.’ It was hard to imagine anyone could have the rapport with the king, parliament, and the people that former Prime Minister Shule once had. The effects of the Rindlesbachers’ nightmarish schemes would continue to hurt their country for some time. Until Naomi stuck her head out from whatever rock she was hiding and struck again, none of them could really relax.

They were headed back to the castle when Nolan said, “Tell me truthfully, Madeline. Did you believe the accusations of Gustaff and Monaco about me associating with Naomi?”

“Though I usually think the worst of you,” she winked to show she was teasing, and he chuckled, “no, I would never believe that. Chad told me, and I’ve seen on the news, what they’ve put you and your family through. I know you, Nolan …” She paused, and he gave her a heated look. His blue eyes yanked her in. She could get lost in the depths of those eyes for the rest of her life.

She tripped on a protruding root and would’ve gone down if Nolan hadn’t wrapped an arm around her to steady her. They stopped in the middle of the trail. She stared up into his mesmerizing gaze.

“All right then?” he asked softly.

“Yes,” she whispered back.

She heard movement behind them and realized Levi and Sergeant Braxton had caught up to them on the trail and were now backpedaling, trying not to interrupt their moment. They effectively did interrupt, but it was for the best. She couldn’t be having ‘moments’ with the king when she was on a mission for parliament. What was she saying, claiming she ‘knew him?’ She didn’t. Not deeply. Her rational brain needed to step back up to the plate.

She stepped back, and his arm dropped away from her. “Teach me to stare into the king’s blue eyes when I should be walking.”

“You can stare into my eyes anytime.” His voice deepened. “I’ll happily return the favor.” The sincerity in his gaze shook her.

What alternate reality had she entered? Everyone knew Nolan had desperately loved Queen Anne. Madeline didn’t want to step in and try to replace his wife, and she didn’t want to be a shallow substitute for the relationship he’d once had. That was all that would happen if they both fell hard and fast. Shallow, not lasting. The king was too honorable to ditch her like her husband had, but it wouldn’t be a lasting and fulfilling relationship, and that was what she needed. If she ever allowed herself to commit to a man again.

Turning, she hurried down the trail. Nolan caught her easily and kept pace with his longer strides. She was almost jogging.
