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They shared a look that had him full of hope and dreams of a future with her.

The guards caught up.

“Let’s go fast,” she said.

“Your wish is my command.” He had to release her hand to focus on driving. They left the guards in the dust. Nolan savored each laugh and happy cheer from Madeline.

Too soon, they were back at the castle gate. Late for dinner. Tonight Chad, Hope, and Hope’s sister Faith were joining them. They drove quickly up the hill and parked in the garage. As he got her door and assisted her from the vehicle, she smiled up at him. “Do I look flushed and excited?”

His body tightened, and he wrapped his arms around her. “Not yet, but you will.”

Madeline’s eyes widened. She leaned up, and every good dream he’d ever had of them together seemed on the verge of reality. Madeline was in his arms, where she belonged, and soon her luscious lips would be his.

Sergeant Braxton and the new guard drove into the garage. Nolan knew the men wouldn’t care, but Madeline shifted away. He wanted their first kiss to be special, so he released her and took her hand. They climbed the stairs silently and Nolan escorted her into the dining room. Madeline greeted Tristan, Jenn, Chad, Hope, Faith, Ray, Macey, and Kiera with hugs and ‘lots of love’ as this mesmerizing lady by his side liked to call her greetings.

Chad shook Nolan’s hand a bit tighter than usual and gave him some penetrating glances throughout dinner. Did Chad notice their relationship was progressing? Nolan wondered what Madeline had told him about them, but the accomplished major said nothing to indicate he could see how smitten the king was with his mum.

Chad and Tristan were as charming and full of jokes as ever. They all laughed so much through dinner that Nolan’s cheeks ached. After dinner, the group went on a long walk through the mountains to Tristan and Jennifer’s favorite waterfall.

Kiera and Faith adored each other, and it was fun to see them reunited. They skipped and danced and laughed throughout the hike. Faith was twenty-seven, but she seemed much younger. She was creative and whimsical, and the entire family loved her and was protective of her. Captain Levi in particular seemed fixated on her. Perhaps there was some history there.

They reached the waterfall, and Tristan announced, “It is tradition that we all have to jump into the waterfall pool.”

Everyone started laughing and protesting. It had been a warm August day, but the sun was hiding in the thick trees. They were all fully clothed and nobody wanted to slosh back to the castle wet and miserable.

“No protesting. If you love me, you will jump in.” Tristan winked at Jennifer, then pumped his eyebrows at them. “That trick works on my beautiful wife every time.”

“Yes, it does.” Jennifer grinned at him, grabbed his hand, and they ran together for the rock ledge and leaped. His oldest son and his perfect match flew through the air, united, and hit the water with a terrific splash.

They burst out of the water. Tristan whooped and Jennifer laughed.

“Come on!” Tristan called.

Nolan looked to Madeline. Her eyes were wide. “How cold is that water?”

“It’s a mountain lake. Even in August, the water will feel like a chilled soda.”

She gave an exaggerated shiver, hugging herself. He laughed. She was adorable, and far too appealing. He had to look away or he might grab her and hug her in front of all his children, forgetting all about the ‘taking it slow’ admonition. They’d made some strides on the drive and in the garage. He could feel their momentum building.

Ray, Macey, Chad, Hope, Faith, and Kiera all exchanged glances. The four guards stepped back, watching with slight smiles on their faces, knowing they wouldn’t have to jump as they were guarding the family.

Kiera grabbed Faith’s hand and hollered, “Let’s go. Gainer for me.”

Faith laughed, and they ran to the edge. Kiera released her friend’s hand and launched herself up and out, flipping and landing almost without a splash.

“I guess we do it.” Chad tilted his head to Ray.

“Go for it.” Hope pushed at her husband’s chest.

“I’ll cheer you on,” Macey said to Ray.

Chad lifted his eyebrows. “General?”

“Definitely,” Ray said.

The men both smiled, swooped their wives off their feet, and ran for the edge. Hope and Macey protested and struggled, but then they were over the edge and in the water and their objections were cut short.

Madeline laughed at their sons’ crazy behavior. She turned to Nolan and warned, “Don’t you dare carry me into that freezing water.”
