Page 99 of Flight Risk

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The driver’s side door of the lead police car opens, and an officer gets out with an audible, undisguised sigh. He straightens up and unhooks his cuffs from his belt while other doors open. The other officers don’t get all the way out of the cars. Are they here to watch?

“I thought you looked hot, too.” He smiles, a real, genuine grin, for the first time in the conversation. “I think you’re great. Forget about me as fast as you can.”

“Hey, Jameson,” the lead officer says. He sounds exhausted, and like he’s arrested Jameson many, many times before. He nods over Jameson’s shoulder at me. “Ma’am.”

“I’m notma’am, I’m—what are you doing? Don’t arrest him. I’m so sorry, but you came all the way out here for nothing.”

“Like I said on the phone.” The officer puts one of Jameson’s wrists in the cuffs, then the other, with no reaction from Jameson. “I kidnapped her as part of a revenge plot and held her here against her will. Do what you must.”

“Jameson. Stop.Stop.I didn’t ask for this.”

He shrugs. “Consider it a gift. You’ll be happy about it later.”

The officer walks Jameson to the car.

His phone buzzes in my hand.

He’s unlocked it, so the message is right there on the screen.

Gabriel: Jameson, where are you? Call me right now

Remy: Listen you have to come home now, it’s okay, nobody’s seriously hurt, but you have to get here

Gabriel: Are you kidding me with this? Charlotte’s in labor. You can’t be missing right now. Tell me you’re not fucking arrested

Gabriel: Jameson I swear to Christ if you are arrested then call me right the fuck now, I will bail you out, this is happening

Remy: Jameson seriously call me I’m not mad just come home, okay?


The officer shuts the door to the car, Jameson inside it.

Remy: Jameson?

“Ma’am.” A woman officer approaches me slowly. “Please step inside. I need to take your statement for the report. Are you able to walk? Do you need medical attention?”

“No, I need to talk to him. You have to stop them. I didn’t want this.”

Her hand is soft on my arm, and I go along with the touch. Causing a big scene won’t help, but this can’t happen. “Come inside with me and we’ll talk there.”

Gabriel: Please answer

Two other officers follow us. “I’mfine. I don’t want to give a statement. Please, this is—” A family emergency, clearly. Charlotte must be one of his siblings’ wives. They want him with them. “Please.”

“We need to take your statement,” the officer repeats, a bland, comforting smile on her face. The other jogs ahead and opens the door. We step inside to Snowball’s frantic alarm-bell tweets.

Gabriel: Wherever you are, I’ll come get you

Gabriel: Jameson, I’ll come get you

Gabriel: Charlotte’s not okay

In the yard, the police car carrying Jameson does a three-point turn and drives away.

“You can still stop them.” I keep my voice as level as I can. “I need to talk to him.” The last officer shuts the door in my face. “Where are they taking him?”

“He’s gone now, honey,” says the one holding my arm. “You’re safe. You don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

“I’ll never stop.” It’s forceful, but I can’t help it. The officer raises her eyebrows. “I’ll never stop worrying about him. Ever.”

* * *
