Page 84 of Detroit

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“You’re not gonna like it,” Colter warned.

“What is it?”

“You need to call your brother,” he said.

“Oh, fuck no,” I said, shaking my head.

“Listen, I’m not saying don’t go in and get your woman. I’m saying leave the real criminals alive to be hauled in and turn on each other. And exonerate your girl.”

He was right.

I fucking hated that.

But he was right.

I couldn’t kill Gray.

“Alright,” I said. “I want to scope it out. See what kind of danger she’s in. Then, depending, I’m going in. You call my brother,” I said, looking at Slash.

To that, he sighed, and nodded.

“Give me five,” I demanded.

Then I ran.



I woke up to a migraine jackhammering into my skull, the pain so intense that I could do nothing but press my hands to my eyes and rock my body to try to soothe myself, to think past it.

My mom suffered from migraines until she hit menopause.

I’d always empathized with her and the long afternoons spent lying in darkened rooms with her hands pressed to her skull and a trash bin nearby, in case she got sick from the pain.

But I never could have known what the pain was like. How it felt like your skull was being ripped open, and something nailed right into your brain over and over.

My stomach rolled, and a low whimper escaped me as I prayed I didn’t get sick.

I honestly wasn’t even thinking for a while. I couldn’t even tell you how long. I was just… enduring. Trying to survive pain that seemed determined to make me pass out from it.

I wouldn’t say it ever eased, per se. But that my system got more accustomed to it over time. And allowed me to start thinking once again.

Like why my head hurt.

Not because I just had a random migraine.


Because someone had hit me.


Hard enough, it seemed, to make me pass out.

Because the last thing I remembered was being too far from the clubhouse, having taken a bit of a walk to clear my head after talking to my mom.

Then… then someone talking to me.
