Page 89 of Detroit

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But it did so with an awful shrieking sound.

The talking in the other room silenced.

Then there were footsteps.

The hand jiggled the knob.

The savage curse.

I didn’t have a lot of time.

However long it would take to locate a screwdriver, then come back and twist the lock.

I leaned into the window opening, my arms hanging out, hopefully still capable of breaking my fall, even bound.

I didn’t factor in that not everyone would stop and do the logical thing like unlock the door.

That some people were all action and little thought.

There was the sound of a body slamming into the door, then a crashing.

He’d broken down the door.

“She’s getting out the window!” a woman called, but I couldn’t see her. Or him. Just the ground beneath me.

Stomach flip-flopping, I tried to throw myself forward.

Only to have the back of my shirt grabbed in a fist and yanked backward. Hard.

My head slammed into the window instead of sliding back in, the pain blacking out my vision for a moment as my body was flung to the floor. Where I sat on my knees, crying out against my gag.

“Get her out of here,” the woman hissed.

I struggled.

No one could say I didn’t.

I thrashed and whacked my head around. I tried to kick. I scratched.

But at the end of the day, I was smaller. He was stronger. And I was being dragged through the bedroom, then into the main living space.

And that was when I saw her.

The woman who’d been on the other side of the door.

The one who’d sounded vaguely familiar.

It wasn’t until I saw her blonde hair and her blue eyes and her familiar face that I finally understood why I couldn’t place it.

Because I’d never actually heard herrealvoice. I’d heard her fake soothing voice. The one she used while coaching us to put our bodies into interesting positions and use them to create long, lean muscles.


My pilates instructor.

It all seemed to start clicking then.

Gray brought in the merch where the drugs were hidden. I moved the boxes into storage where I always assumed Gav cut them open to inspect the new merch.
