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Benny laughed and said, “Last night at closing, Casey Storm came in looking for me.”

“Who’s Casey Storm?” I asked.

“Casey Storm is the girl I swore I was going to marry. She ended up marrying some rich bastard from London and moved away. She’s back now and divorced.”

“And that’s a good thing?” Hollie asked, stretching out the ‘ing.’

If Benny had blushed before, now he was nearly as red as a tomato. “Probably not something to talk about in front of ya, Hollie.”

Hollie looked confused. “Why not?”

Before he could explain, she made an eeep sound and slid off the stool. “Wait, don’t say a word until I get back! I have to pee!”

She made a beeline for the lady’s bathroom. The moment she was gone, I looked back at Benny.

“Casey came walking in here last night with one thing on her mind.”

I chuckled. “What was that?”


With his thick Irish accent, I wasn’t quite sure what I’d just heard. “I’m sorry?”

“She walked right up to me after the last person left. Said she was no longer with her husband, and she needed a good fuck. It was the best night of me fucking life. She was like an animal. I’ve never fucked on the bar, but I plan on doing it a lot more.”

I glanced down at the bar and curled my lip.

“Don’t worry, it was down there, and I cleaned it twice.”

My brows rose. “Just so I know for the future, where else did you two have sex?”

He shook his head. “We didn’t have sex, Lucas. We fucked. Like rabbits. Oh, that table over there, I bent her over and took her from behind.”

I had made a mental note to tell Hollie not to sit at the left end of the bar or at the table in the back-left corner.

“She’s coming over to me place later tonight. This time I plan on fucking her in me bed.”

I was beginning to wonder if I should keep track of how many times Benny had said fuck.

“It was the best fucking night of me life.”

Nodding, I replied, “You mentioned that.”

Hollie walked up and smiled as she slid onto the barstool.

“What did I miss?” she asked, looking between me and Benny.

I cleared my throat and said, “Apparently, Benny and his ex had a bit of fun in the pub last night. At that end of the bar—” I pointed to it—“and then again at that table over there in the corner.”

Leaning in, I said, “Don’t ever sit at either spot. They had sex there.”

“Sex?” Hollie practically shouted. “That was it? Just sex?”

Benny’s eyes went wide. “Just sex? It was the best night of me life. She was…”

He let his words trail off.

“She was what? Rich? Offered to become partners with you?” Hollie asked as Benny and I both looked at her with a confused expression.
