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He pushed his hand through his hair. “Karen and Casey—I guess they want to have a bit of fun with Benny.”

I felt myself blush. “A bit of fun?”

He shrugged.

“Damn it!” I started to pace again. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. He was supposed to come into some cash. Not sex.”

“Did you talk to Sarah?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m afraid to call her because then she’s going to give me a lecture about how I shouldn’t be putting spells on people.”

“Does it make a difference that you used his hair?”

“I’m sure it made it more potent.”

We both sighed right before my phone rang.

“Oh God,” I said as I looked at it. “It’s Sarah. She knows!”

“Answer it, she might be able to help us.”

I swiped my finger across the phone and said in a voice that was way too happy, “Hey Sis! How’s it going?”

There was a slight pause before she groaned. “Oh no.”

My eyes darted up to Lucas who was attempting—and failing—to hide a smile.

“What do you mean,oh no?” I asked.

“You did the spell, didn’t you?”

I swallowed hard. “I did, and I have to say, it was a brilliant spell…but the outcome wasn’t so brilliant. Well, Benny might not think so since he’s getting a threesome out of it.”

Sarah choked and then sputtered something into the phone that I couldn’t understand.

“Wait, I thought the guy needed money…not sex.”

“He does! I think it was my wording.”

Lucas walked up and leaned down toward my phone. “She said she wished for good fortune to fall on him.”

“Okay, well, that isn’t so bad. Were you thinking about sex at the time?” Sarah asked.

“Why in the hell would I be thinking about sex while putting a spell on the guy who owns the local pub?”

Lucas looked at me with an odd expression. I shook my head and whispered, “I wasn’t thinking about sex!”

“Okay, well…has he had any good fortune besides sex?” Sarah asked.

“Someone did email him about pictures of his feet,” I said. “They’re going to pay him. Then a group of women came in and asked to hold a group meeting at his pub. Turns out they heard about it from his ex, who I had guess an amazing night of sex with him there last night.”

“I’m going to regret asking this, but where does the threesome come into play? Please tell me it’s not with the foot-fetish person.”

I giggled. “Benny’s ex came back into town and went to see him at the pub. They had a steamy night, apparently.”

Lucas added, “And this Casey girl told some friends about said steamy night, and now they want to have their weekly book club meeting at the pub.”

“Yes!” I broke in. “And Casey and Karen are the ones who want to have the threesome with Benny.”
