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“So you did it?” I asked, taking another look around.

He rubbed at the back of his neck with his hand. “I did. Was the most erotic night of me life. Casey has been coming over to me house every night since. I’m fucking exhausted from all the sex.”

I laughed. “So things are moving along with Casey?”

He nodded.

The bell above the door rang and a well-dressed guy around the same age as Benny walked in. Benny tapped on the bar in front of me. “Food?”

“No,” I said. “I really just came to see how you were doing since I hadn’t spoken to you in a few days.”

He winked then said, “I’ll be right back.”

Benny welcomed the guy and asked if he wanted a pint. The guy sat down, looked around the pub, and caught my eye. He nodded, so I nodded back and added a smile.

After pouring the guy a pint, Benny spoke with him for a few moments before heading back down the bar to check on everyone. Kelley came out from the back with a tray full of food. I watched her make the trip a few more times before Benny brought a plate out for the guy at the bar.

“Who’s the serious looking gent?” I asked, jerking my head in the direction of the well-dressed guy who clearly looked out of place in the pub. He was wearing a suit that looked expensive.

Benny shrugged. “He’s in from Dublin. For business, he said.”

“Benny!” Kelley shouted. “Call!”

“I’ll be right back,” he said before heading over to the phone. When his eyes went wide, I nearly groaned. What could it be now? He spoke into the receiver for a few more minutes while I finished my drink.

I couldn’t help but notice that the guy in the suit was looking around the bar. He was definitely checking it out. What if he was a developer who’d caught wind that Benny might have to shut the pub down? He could be looking to build some apartment building or something. That would really suck.

“You’re not going to believe who just called,” Benny said as he joined me again.

“You’d be surprised,” I said and Benny gave me a funny look. “Who was it?”

“A movie director. He’s looking for an authentic pub to film a few scenes in. They’re filming down the road, and he asked some locals if there was a pub nearby. They mentioned O’Brien’s and now he wants to stop by and check out the place. If they end up using it, he’ll pay us a large amount to rent the pub out for a week, maybe two!”

“Benny, that’s amazing,” I said as I watched a little bit of the stress lift away from his face.

“It won’t get me completely out of debt, but it’ll help pay off a lot of it.”

“When’s he stopping by?”

Benny looked over at the clock on the wall. “Thirty minutes.”

He pronounced it astirty,andit took me a second to figure out he meantthirty. Sometimes it was still jarring to hear how the Irish didn’t pronounce the TH sound.

“If they rent the pub out, will you have to turn away customers?”

“He said he didn’t think we would as they’d do a lot of the filming at night. They might shoot a few scenes during the day and if there are customers here, then it’ll be better for the shot. They won’t have to worry about extras, as long as everyone is willing to sign a waiver.”

“I hope it all works out for you.”

On my right, I heard a male voice call out, “Thank ya for the pint!” But it sounded more like, tank ya.

Benny held up his hand to the man in the suit and called back, “Any time, lad!”

When Benny turned to face me again, I could see the happiness on his face. “Things might finally be changing for me, Lucas. And for the good!”

Hollie stared at me with a shocked expression on her face. “A movie director?”

I laughed. “Yes. And the place was packed for lunch today. Apparently, word’s getting out about Benny’s mother’s cooking.”
