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“Good odds.”

She nodded.

Clearing my throat, I picked up the white sage and lavender smudge stick that we had lit earlier and moved it around, letting the smoke and scent fill the air as I read. I’d need to fill in the rest of the title of the spell since I wasn’t sure what it really was.

“To Make a Man Fall…for you!”

Kristin giggled.

I used my best spell-making voice as I said, “You need an eye of newt.”

Kristin handed me a mustard bottle. “I couldn’t find any mustard seeds in your pantry.”

“It will have to do.” I put a few drops around Lucas’s picture as we both giggled.

“Um, next is toadstool powder!”

Baby powder and a mushroom appeared in my hand. I sprinkled the powder over the picture, then put the mushroom on it.

“Wing of bat!” I called out and dropped a bat that I had hanging up on my wall as part of my Halloween decorations.

“Hair of man.” I looked up at her. “I don’t have a piece of his hair.”

She grinned. “Yes, you do! Remember in second grade, when you put bubble gum in his hair, and your mom had to cut it out? You saved it!”

I was about to argue with her that I hadn’t kept it but decided it wasn’t worth it. She knew everything about me. I stood up, swayed slightly, and then pointed to her. “You’re right! Be right back!”

Racing up the steps, I couldn’t help but wonder, even in my drunken state, if it was a little bit weird that I had kept his hair all those years.

After searching through a box of stuff from high school, I found the baggy with Lucas’s hair in it. I raced back downstairs, slipping and taking the last three steps on my ass. I rushed into the living room and held up the bag.

“His hair!”

Kristin grabbed the bag and opened it, pulling a few small strands out and putting them in my hand. I drew in a breath and dropped them on our pile.

“What next?” she asked.

“Um…spirit of a raven.”

We both looked at each other before Kristin lit up. “Here, let’s use this!”

She grabbed a piece of black licorice and handed it to me. I held it up and said, “I declare you to be the spirit of a raven!”

The fire in the fireplace popped, and we both screamed, then fell into another fit of laughter.

“Not a witch, my ass!” Kristin cackled.

I tossed it onto the pile as we both fell into a fit of laughter.

“Next is…ew, gross. It’s snake venom and spider legs!”

Kristin screwed up her face.

“I have an idea!” I got up and walked outside, returning with a rubber snake and spider I got off one of the displays on my porch and held them up.

“Voila!Problem solved.”

Kristin pointed to me. “Oh, my God, you’re so smart.”
