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My mouth fell open, and for a hot second I was about to dispute what she said, but then I clamped it shut.

Her smile faltered some. “You don’t think it was the spell, do you?”

Squeezing her hand, I set my drink down next to hers. “I’ll admit my first instinct was to say it was a coincidence, but with everything that’s been happening to Benny, I think you’re right. It has to be the spell.”

“I called my Sarah today and told her what happened. She believes it was the spell as well. She said now that it’s really happened, that should be it. No more weird offers of sex and feet pictures for money. Benny has fallen on his true windfall, and it was all because of my spell!”

I lifted her hand and kissed it. “Hollie, promise me one thing.”

She beamed up at me. “Anything.”

“You’ll be more careful with the spells, especially since you’re pregnant. The fact that our little one might be making your spells twice as powerful should be a warning.”

She pushed her fingers through my hair as her eyes searched my face. When our gazes locked, she seemed suddenly serious. “I can’t promise I won’t do any spells.”

“I’m not asking you to stop completely, I just want you to be careful with them.”

“I promise you I’ll be careful, and I won’t do any spells without talking to you first.”

“You mean that?”

She nodded. “Cross my heart,” she whispered. Then she scrunched up her nose and added, “What if it’s just a tiny little spell? Like the tiniest of ones.”

I drew in a breath and gave her the look my mother used to give me when I was arguing some point to her.

“Fine, I won’t do any spells without talking to you first. I do have one question, though.”

“Give it to me.”

“If our daughter or son has the gift, will you let me teach them how to use it?”

My head snapped back as I gave her what I was sure was a stunned expression. “Of course I will, why would you even ask that?”

With a one shoulder shrug, she replied, “I don’t know. I know that my spells have gotten me into a bit of trouble here and there.”

“Here and there?” I asked, trying not to smile.

Slapping me playfully on the arm, she giggled. “Yes, here and there. But I really wish my mother had spoken to me earlier when she saw the gifts I had. I might not have rebelled against the craft and learned to use my powers in more of…um….”

“An efficient way?”

“That’s one way to put it. I don’t want our child—if they have the gift—to feel lost like I did when I realized I had it.”

I reached out and pulled her onto my lap. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I looked up at her. “You feel lost?”

“I did, at first. And terrified. When I put that hex on you, I was so upset. You were the last person I would ever want to hurt, but because I was messing around and not giving my gift the proper respect it deserved, I almost lost you. I don’t want our child to ever feel that way.”

I lifted my hand and tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear. “You didn’t know at the time that it would have that impact on me. And I need you to know that however you want to raise our kids I’m behind you one hundred percent—whether they have the same gift as you or not.”

I could feel the moment the tension left her body. “That means so much to me, Lucas. I love you.”

“I love you too. Now, before we go over and congratulate Benny, I think I want to make love to my wife.”

Her brows raised. “Really? I like the sound of that.”

Lifting her shirt over her head, I quickly got to work taking her bra off. Because she was pregnant, her body was super sensitive to my touch. I took a nipple into my mouth and Hollie squirmed on my lap.

“Lucas, I need you. Now.”
