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Letting her breast fall from my mouth, I looked into her desire-hazed eyes. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

I had never seen the two of us move so quickly. We were undressed and back on the sofa in record time.

“I want on top,” Hollie stated, pushing me down onto the sofa. When she crawled on top of me and slowly sank down on my dick, I thought I was going to explode then and there.

“That’s it, take what’s yours.”

And take she did.

From the sound of people and music filtering out through the closed doors, there was clearly a celebration going on at O’Brien’s.

“Sounds like a party,” Hollie said with a chuckle.

“Sure does.”

I pushed open the door and smiled when I saw a large crowd inside. In the back right corner was a small group of musicians, some old, some young. They were playing traditional Irish music while a few people danced in the middle of the pub.

“Let’s see if there’s a place at the bar!” I yelled to Hollie. She nodded and laughed while she took in the happy crowd. As we made our way up to the bar, Benny saw us and yelled for two young guys in their mid-20s to let us have their seats. They gladly got up and made their way over to a table where a small group of women sat.

“What a crowd tonight!” I shouted to Benny.

“It is! Word got out about the brewery. I’m sure your missus told you!”

Nodding, I helped Hollie slide up onto the stool as she yelled out, “Good news travels fast!”

“You’re in Ireland, Hollie. Word moves fast in these parts!” Benny replied. “Pint?”

“Please!” I answered.

He looked at Hollie and she said, “Water, please!”

After placing my pint in front of me, Benny recapped what Hollie had already told me. I’d never seen him so happy. The stress lines between his eyes were gone and he had a light air about him.

“And I’ve got even more news,” Benny stated.

“More good news?” I asked, glancing quickly at Hollie who simply shrugged.

“Casey and I are going to elope to Scotland, like ya and Hollie did.”

I was positive my expression matched Hollie’s. Shocked.

“When?” Hollie asked, or rather shouted.

“When things die down a bit here at the pub. Things will be moving quickly with the new stout launch. There’s a photographer coming tomorrow to take pictures of the pub and some other big shot from the brewery who wants to take a look at the place. They’re going to start planning the launch party right away. I do hope you’ll both still be here when it happens. I mentioned to Mr. O’Rourke that ya do party planning, Hollie. I hope ya don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind at all!” Hollie said with excitement. “I’m so happy for you, Benny. It couldn’t have happened to a better person.”

His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

“And it’s all due to ya, Hollie,” a voice said from my left. Turning, I saw Sarah standing there. She handed me a bowl of Irish stew before placing another one in front of Hollie, who seemed stunned into silence.

“Ma’s right,” Benny said. “You’ve been like a good luck charm ever since ya stepped foot in the pub.”

Hollie relaxed and laughed. “Nah, it’s all just a coincidence.”

Someone down the bar called out for Benny. He tapped the bar in front of us and then quickly made his way toward them. Sarah was still looking at Hollie with a strange expression.

“Is everything okay, Sarah?” Hollie asked.
