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Kelley walked by and David followed her with his eyes until she disappeared into the crowd.

“Are you heading back to Dublin this evening?” I causally asked.

Snapping his attention back to me, he gave a small smile. “Kelley offered to let me stay in her guest bedroom.”

I had to bite in my cheek to keep from smiling. “That was sweet of her. She’s so amazing, especially with how she helps Benny and Sarah run the pub.”

He grinned. “I agree. Benny speaks very highly of his sister, as he should. We’ve spent some time together, and she truly is amazing.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “She certainly is. Any guy would be lucky to call her his.”

David nodded but kept his mouth clamped shut, so I kept talking.

“Since I’ve known her, she’s spent most of her time here at the pub. I don’t think she’s dating anyone. As a matter of fact, I know she’s not. I mean, not that you were asking.”

David’s brows shot up in surprise before he smiled. “Right.”

“Nope, pretty sure she’s single.”

“And ready to mingle?” he asked on a laugh.

“Yes!” I said, laughing as well.

A feeling of warmth filled my body, and I knew it was because Lucas had walked up behind me.

“What’s going on here?” Lucas asked, giving me a kiss on the cheek and a head nod in David’s direction.

“Hollie was informing me of how dedicated Kelley is to the pub,” David answered, a twinkle in his eye.

With a smile of my own, I replied, “I was doing just that.”

“Did I hear you mention something about her being single?” Lucas asked, a warning tone in his voice.

“Did I?” My voice was dripping with innocence.

“Ya did.” David cleared his throat and added, “I should mingle around.”

“Of course!” I said, nearly pushing him away from us. “Go and enjoy yourself.”

David looked at Lucas and nodded before he turned his attention back to me. “It was a pleasure talking to ya, Hollie.”

“The pleasure was all mine.”

Once David was out of earshot, Lucas took my elbow and led us toward Benny’s office. As soon as we were inside, he shut the door and ran his hand down his face. “Hollie, you promised me you’d stay out of other people’s business, and now you’re clearly trying to set David and Kelley up.”

I held up my finger as I said, “No, I promised I wouldn’t do any spells without talking to you first. I wasn’t doing any spells.”

“But you were thinking about it.”

I blinked at him a few times before I asked, “How did you know that?”

He stared at me with a disbelieving look on his face. “Because I know you! It’s like I can sense when you’re thinking about doing magick. It’s weird because that feeling is growing stronger and stronger.”

I pressed my hands to my mouth to cover a gasp.

“What?” he asked.

“What if you…what if you’re…oh my God!”
