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Quickly writing it down, I looked up at my aunt. “What else?”

“That’s it. You’ll want him to meditate for a few minutes. Have him visualize that new beginning.”

All I could do was nod as I looked down at the green candle.

“It is important the candle burn all the way down, Hollie. Very important.”

“Okay. What if he has to leave?”

“He can burn it again the next day, but he must burn the entire candle. Once it is done, bury it in fresh soil.”

“There isn’t any other way I can do this? Like, some potion or pill I can give him?”

“Well,” she said with a tilt of her head, “you could get a soap.”

“A soap! Yes, I like where this is going.”

“And have him sit in a bath as hot as he can stand it. Then you must cleanse his entire body while you have a smudge stick of blue sage and sunflowers burning in the same room.”

Blinking several times at her, I asked, “I’m sorry, did you say I had to bathe him?”

She nodded. “You are the one who cast the spell on him. You would need to remove it.”

“Is he…naked?”

She laughed. “Well do you get into a bath with clothes on? The blue sage cleanses away negativity, and sunflower brings happiness, wishes, and wisdom.”

I quickly wrote that down. “Do you have any here in the store?”

“I do. Let me go get you one.”

Lucy got up and left her office. I read over the spell, then read over it again.

“Okay, so my two options are to give him a bath or get him to do this little spell.” I shrugged. “I mean, he might like the idea of the bath but probably from someone like Wendy.”

It wasn’t lost on me that I said her name like a jealous teenager.

The door to Lucy’s office opened, and she walked in. She set the smudge stick down next to the other items. “And here is the soap in case you want to go that route.”

I picked up the soap and inhaled. It smelled heavenly.

After gathering everything up and putting it in a basket Lucy gave me, I said my goodbyes to her and my sister and left. I needed a plan, and a good plan at that.

What I didn’t hear when I was walking away was my sister asking my aunt why she hadn’t simply given me the potion for Lucas to take. And my aunt’s reply of, “What fun would that be?”


I drew in a deep breath before I placed my hand on the doorknob and turned it. The moment I stepped inside, I froze. Lucas was standing there with his shirt off and holding it in his hand. My eyes quickly took in his fit form and perfect, washboard abs.

“Um, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Shut the door, will you? Then will you help me get this shirt on?”

Clearing my throat, I walked in and shut the door before I made my way closer to him but not too close.

“What did you need? Where are your bandages? I thought you hurt your ribs.”

“Bruised them, and they don’t wrap them up. Here, can you help me get this on?”
