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“Hollie, baby, talk to me.”

When her eyes lifted to mine, I saw something I never wanted to see there. Pain.

“What’s wrong?”

Without saying a word, Hollie handed me her phone. A part of me told me not to take it. To not even look at what it was she wanted me to see.

“Wendy sent me a little gift.”

When I hit play on the video, my knees nearly buckled out from under me. Looking back at Hollie, I wanted to throw the phone when I saw the tears streaming down her face.

The only thing I could say came out in a voice that didn’t even sound like my own. It was filled with regret and shame.

“Hollie,” I whispered as she pushed past me and fled.


Two Months Ago

Shawn put a bottle of beer in front of my face and gave it a small shake. I took it and nearly downed the entire thing. I set it down next to me and stared out at the sun setting over the field behind his house.

“I called Kristin. She won’t tell me anything other than Hollie doesn’t want to see you right now, that she needs some time to process.”

Closing my eyes, I muttered, “Fuck.”

“Did you know Wendy had recorded you guys having sex?”

I turned and gaped at my best friend.

He cleared his throat. “I’ll take that as a no.”

“Who the fuck does that?” I asked. “Who films someone without their permission?”

“I’ve got a call in to my dad to see if you might be able to press charges.”

I shook my head. “I’ve never hated anyone as much as I hate that woman. Does she think this would ever make me be with her again?”

Shawn raised his brows. “I think she’s obsessed with you, and the only goal she had by sending that video was to hurt Hollie and nothing more.”

“Is it wrong, I want to just…?” I clenched my fists.

“I’d feel the same way. But what Hollie needs to realize is that video was taken a long time ago. Way before the two of you got together.”

I sighed. “If you were with a girl, would you want to see a video of her fucking some guy regardless of how long ago it was?”

He frowned. “Point taken. I’d want to hurt the guy.”

I closed my eyes and tried to get the memory of seeing the hurt look on Hollie’s face out of my mind. The fact that she wouldn’t even talk to me nearly had me going insane. Not to mention the desire to go to Wendy and give her a piece of my mind.

Shawn’s phone went off with a text, and he pulled it out. “It’s from Kristin.”

“What did she say?” I quickly asked.

Shawn looked down at his phone, then back up to me. I could see the corner of his mouth twitch slightly.

“Shawn, why do you look amused?”

Turning the phone, he showed me the text. It took me a second to move past how he had Kristin’s number stored in his phone to read her message.
